Polymele (daughter of the actor)

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Polymele ( Greek  Πολυμήλη ) is a figure in Greek mythology .

She was the daughter of the actor of Phthia and - even before Thetis - the wife of the Myrmidon king Peleus . She bore him the Polydora ; depending on the version, Polymele (and not Thetis) was also the mother of Achilles .

Polymele is likely to be identical with that daughter of the actor, who is called Philomela.

Unfortunately, the different sources are combined to create name confusion, because not only the endings vary ( Polymela / Polymele , Philomela / Philomel ), but also just the beginning of syllables ( poly / philosopher ); see for example Philomela (mother of Patroclus) , who is also referred to as Polymele (daughter of Peleus) .
