Pont des Cieutats

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Coordinates: 44 ° 24 ′ 23 "  N , 0 ° 42 ′ 14"  E

Pont des Cieutats
Pont des Cieutats
use Road bridge
Crossing of Lot
place Villeneuve-sur-Lot
construction Stone arch bridge
width approx. 8 m
Number of openings 3
Longest span 36 m
start of building 1282
completion 1289/1643
Pont des Cieutats (France)
Pont des Cieutats

The Pont des Cieutats is a basically medieval road bridge in Villeneuve-sur-Lot in the Lot-et-Garonne department ( France ), which crosses the Lot and connects the Rue des Cieutats with the Rue de Pujols. To distinguish it from the Pont de la Liberation , which is around 200 m upstream, it is also called Pont-Vieux .


The bridge was built between 1282 and 1289 by English master masons as a stone arch bridge with four arches and three towers. At the end of the bridge a chapel, the Chapelle Notre-Dame-du-bout-du-pont ( Lady Chapel at the end of the bridge) was built. In 1600 a flood caused the two northern arches and the chapel to collapse. In order to keep the water pressure on the bridge low in the event of a new flood, it was decided to replace the collapsed arches with a single large arch with a span of 36 m. This new arch and the rebuilt chapel were consecrated in 1643.

The bridge and the road leading to it are named after the mayor and his son who defended the city against Margaret of Valois during the Huguenot Wars in 1585 .

In 1876 the bridge was widened by replacing the wide stone balustrade with a narrow iron railing.

In 1951 it was placed under monument protection.


The Pont des Cieutats is now a two-lane road bridge with two narrow walkways. The large, 36 m wide arch from the 17th century rests on an abutment built far into the river and on its own pillar in the river, which prevents the old, medieval pillars of the smaller openings from being overburdened. This, on the other hand, resulted in an unusual, crevice-like opening in the middle of the river.

Web links

Commons : Pont des Cieutats  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Pont des Cieutats. In: Structurae
  2. Notice n ° PA00084273 , base Mérimée, database of the French Ministry of Culture