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Structurae is an online database in which the data of civil engineering structures of all kinds, such as bridges , high-rise buildings , transmitter masts and towers , are stored.

The operator Correct, (born 1973), a German-French civil engineer and bridge designers, founded Structurae 1998 after serving as an assistant at the Department of Civil Engineering of Princeton University had created a similar project for a taught there course.

According to its own information, the website had over a million hits per month in 2012. It is trilingual (German, English, French) and is financed by advertising banners and premium entries for companies. It runs under ColdFusion , while the contents are stored in a MySQL database.

From March 15, 2012 to April 30, 2015, Structurae belonged to the Ernst & Sohn publishing house , with Janberg continuing to work as editor-in-chief for the project. On May 1st, 2015 Janberg bought the project back from the publisher in order to "be able to work with it independently again."

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Structurae entry Nicolas Janberg.
  2. a b Wiley buys Structurae online database. In: Börsenblatt . March 26, 2012.