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Porities sp.  in a coral reef near Bermuda

Porities sp.
in a coral reef near Bermuda

Trunk : Cnidarians (Cnidaria)
Class : Flower animals (anthozoa)
Subclass : Hexacorallia
Order : Hard corals (Scleractinia)
Family : Poritidae
Scientific name
Gray , 1842

The Poritidae are a family of hard corals (Scleractinia). Along with the Acropora, they are the most important reef formers and usually grow in crusty or massive, round sticks. Only a few species form branched structures. In the Great Barrier Reef there are coral stocks of the genus Porites that are over six meters high and whose age is estimated to be over 200 years.

The species of Poritidae are delicate and difficult to keep in saltwater aquariums .




  • Svein A. Fosså / Alf Jacob Nilsen: Coral Reef Aquarium , Volume 4, Birgit Schmettkamp Verlag, Bornheim, ISBN 3-928819-05-4

Web links

Commons : Poritidae  - collection of images, videos and audio files