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Goniopora djiboutiensis

Goniopora djiboutiensis

Trunk : Cnidarians (Cnidaria)
Class : Flower animals (anthozoa)
Subclass : Hexacorallia
Order : Hard corals (Scleractinia)
Family : Poritidae
Genre : Goniopora
Scientific name
de Blainville , 1830

Goniopora is a genus of hard corals in the family Poritidae . According to the World Register of Marine Species (WoRMS) , 37 species are described.


The fleshy, remarkably long polyps of Goniopora have 24 tentacles . The coralites have thick, but porous walls. The calyxes are filled with dense septa and a collumella (column of lime that all septa meet). The septa are arranged in three cycles. The growth form is usually massive or columnar, but it can also be crust-like.

Goniopora are predominantly cream, light brown, or gray with sometimes pink, purple, yellow, green, or white tentacles. The polyps of the different species differ in shape and color, so that they can be identified underwater.


Goniopora are common throughout the Indo-Pacific , in both tropical and temperate regions.

Way of life

Goniopora live in a symbiotic relationship with zooxanthellae . The polyps are usually stretched out during the day and night. Goniopora species use their long polyps to separate the substrate they colonize from neighboring, competing species.

Research history

The genus was created in 1930 by de Blainville , he gave Goniopora pedunculata as the type species . Goniopora pedunculata was collected by the ship doctors and zoologists Quoy and Gaimard during their voyage on the expedition ship Astrolabe from 1826 to 1829 and was first validly described by them in 1833 . De Blainville noted: “ This genre was founded by Quoy and Gaimard. At first glance, the species resembled an Astrea , so these naturalists almost tended to refer to it as Astrea pedunculata. They recognized, however, that it is a separate genus that is similar to Astrea, but still differs from it, especially in the shape of the animal. “The similar species mentioned, Astrea calicularis Lamarck , 1816 is now recognized as Goniopora calicularis ( Lamarck , 1816).

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e J. EN Veron (1986): Corals of Australia and the Indo-Pacific. Angus & Robertson Publishers, excerpt from World Register of Marine Species (WoRMS)
  2. a b c d Goniopora in the Marine Species Identification Portal
  3. a b Yuko F. Kitano, Masami Obuchi, Daisuke Uyeno et al. : Phylogenetic and taxonomic status of the coral Goniopora stokesi and related species (Scleractinia: Poritidae) in Japan based on molecular and morphological data. In: Zoological Studies , Volume 52, December 2013, 25, doi: 10.1186 / 1810-522X-52-25
  4. De Blainville: Mollusques, Vers et Zoophytes. In: Dictionnaire des sciences naturelles, dans lequel on traitre méthodiquement des differéns êtres de la nature, considérés soit en eux-mêmes, d'après l'état actuel de nos connoissances, soit relativement a l'utlité qu'en peuvent retirer la médicine , l'agriculture, le commerce et les arts. Pp. 359-360. ( Online )
  5. Goniopora calicularis at World Register of Marine Species (WoRMS)

Web links

Commons : Goniopora  - collection of images, videos and audio files