Potential consulting (North Rhine-Westphalia)

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The Potentialberatung is a funding offer of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia , which is implemented by the Ministry of Labor, Health and Social Affairs with funds from the European Social Fund (ESF) . The potential consultancy can support the use of an external management consultancy for up to ten consultation days with 50 percent of the net costs, but a maximum of 500 euros per day. The offer is aimed primarily at small and medium-sized companies , although since March 1, 2019 there are no longer any fixed requirements for company size. Up to and including February 28, 2019, the companies had to have at least ten and fewer than 250 employees ( full-time equivalents ). Small businesses can also take advantage of the federal program UnternehmerWert: Mensch, which offers a funding rate of 80 percent. The companies must have their place of work in North Rhine-Westphalia. The requirement that companies have been on the market for at least two years no longer applies on March 1, 2019.


According to the current ESF funding guidelines of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia, the company's employees must be included in the consultation process and at least one of the following topics must be the content of the consultation:

  • Work organization , e.g. B. operational processes, working time models or revision of services
  • Demographic change , e.g. B. Knowledge management and succession planning
  • Digitization , e.g. B. Revision of operational processes and the design of work and technology
  • Health , e.g. B. Introduction of company health management and the design of workplaces
  • Competence development and qualification advice , e.g. B. Personnel development and determination of qualification needs

Several of the topics mentioned can also be included in a consultation. There are no securitized requirements for the consultants, but these must not be associated with the company. Training courses or certifications are not eligible for advice on potential. However, the preparation of these or the determination of needs are eligible.

Procedure and structure

As a funding instrument, potential advice is linked to certain requirements in the process and structure. It is very important that a consulting contract can only be concluded when the company has received a so-called consulting check. Counseling checks are issued by initial counseling centers (e.g. from business development agencies and regional agencies), which can be done after a counseling interview and an offer of counseling if the mandatory requirements are met. The advice check is a funding recommendation, but not a guarantee of funding. This means: Funding only takes place after the consultation has been completed, because only then can the company submit the actual funding application. The company is therefore expected to make advance payments first. The respective district government is responsible for approving the funding and must check whether the advice provided met the requirements. For this u. a. checked whether the consultant has drawn up the minutes for the individual consultation days and whether a company action plan has been put in place at the end of the consultation.

Background and links to the NRW education check

With the help of potential advice, the state of North Rhine-Westphalia would like to support the local small and medium-sized companies in maintaining and increasing their competitiveness . The companies should actively tackle challenges such as digitization or the acquisition and retention of skilled workers. In this overall context, potential counseling can be linked to the NRW education check, for example if the counseling has identified qualification needs and these are to be met.

Individual evidence

  1. Potential advice in NRW. Ministry of Labor, Health and Social Affairs NRW, accessed on July 30, 2018 .
  2. company value: people. Federal Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, accessed on July 30, 2018 .
  3. Guideline on the granting of grants for the promotion of measures that are co-financed from funds of the European Social Fund in the funding phase 2014 to 2020 (ESF funding guideline 2014-2020). Ministry of Labor, Health and Social Affairs NRW, July 11, 2018, accessed on July 30, 2018 .
  4. Advice centers for potential advice. Society for innovative employment promotion, accessed on July 30, 2018 .
  5. Bildungsscheck NRW - getting ahead through further training. Ministry of Labor, Health and Social Affairs NRW, accessed on July 30, 2018 .