Prevention state

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A prevention state is a state that makes massive use of the information available to it from various monitoring facilities in order to prevent undesirable behavior of its citizens from the outset. The prevention state is the logical further development of the surveillance state . In the surveillance state, the findings from the ubiquitous surveillance are still largely used for the subsequent punishment of violations of the law and for obtaining information from the secret service about individual individuals and population groups.

In the prevention state, on the other hand, the information from the monitoring measures is already used to prevent violations of the law or unpleasant behavior from the outset. Examples of typical measures of prevention state are bans on demonstrations , restraining orders , travel restrictions, reporting requirements , prohibitions , expulsions of unwanted persons, computer search , comprehensive communication monitoring, backup flashings , preventive detention , veil called trawler and manhunts and massive suspicion dependent and without suspicion inspections by various authorities and the police.

In addition, the prevention state is characterized by the minimization of data protection , privacy and informational self-determination . The surveillance data from all areas are combined into comprehensive personal profiles in large databases in the prevention state . This enables an efficient search for specific patterns for the purpose of prevention.

Advocates of the prevention state consider this to be necessary and sensible in order to avert the danger of terrorism . A positive general deterrence to the trust of society in the legal system strengthening. - Critics, on the other hand, consider a prevention state to be difficult or incompatible with the free-democratic basic order .

Numerous critics see tendencies towards an overpowering surveillance and prevention state in the EU research project INDECT, which will run until 2013 . The project researches “preventive crime fighting” on the basis of the automated evaluation and linking of images from surveillance cameras in public spaces with a large number of other data sources, such as data from social networks and telecommunications surveillance .

See also


  • Stefan Huster and Karsten Rudolph (eds.): From the rule of law to the prevention state . Suhrkamp, ​​2008

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