Practice Marketing

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Practice marketing is the name given to marketing in the sector of health care providers (e.g. doctors, clinics). A special feature compared to other marketing fields is that practice marketing largely takes place under the conditions of doctor advertising law .

target group

Target groups are doctors in practices and clinics, health professionals, laboratories, pharmacies and larger supply structures such as supra-local professional associations, medical care centers or clinics. Veterinary service providers also belong to the target group.


Financial, tax and management consultants as well as specialist lawyers for medical law , advertising agencies for practice marketing, billing service providers, consultants and auditors for quality management , as well as architects and interior designers specialize in practice marketing .


Originally, German freelancers in the health care sector were not allowed, or only allowed to a limited extent, to take large-scale measures that could be described as advertising : there was an advertising ban. In February 2002 the Federal Constitutional Court ruled : Professional advertising does not need any special occasion. The decisive step was thus taken to convert the former advertising ban into an advertising right and thus to give a medical freelancer working in a practice or clinic similar opportunities to those available to freelancers from other industries for the market-oriented management of their companies . As part of the 105th German Medical Association, the German Medical Association initiated a comprehensive reform of medical advertising law . Finally, the amendment to the model professional code for doctors in 2006 made today's practice marketing possible. Further leveling was last carried out in November 2012 with the second law amending pharmaceutical law and other regulations. With this, further bans from the so-called Heilmittelwerbegesetz (HWG) for communication and advertising have been lifted. This process of change meant that doctors and members of other health professions were no longer able to design their services primarily according to medical criteria, but rather had to organize their treatment concepts using business methods and strategies so that they could withstand competition.


Practice marketing is a part of management as a business sub-process . Practice marketing is intended to identify the development potential of a practice or clinic and develop it with targeted measures. Like other forms of marketing , practice marketing is structured by formulated corporate goals in various areas.

The core objectives are to attract patients, retain regular patients and thus maintain and expand the economic basis of a practice or clinic.

Special requirements

A special feature compared to other forms of marketing are the professional rules and standards, inter alia, in the pattern of professional discipline, the national professional codes, the Heilmittelwerbegesetz and unfair competition law are committed.

In Austria, for example, paragraphs on this topic can be found in Section 16, Paragraph 1 of the Psychotherapy Act or Section 53, Section 1 of the Doctors Act. Both paragraphs emphasize the prohibition of unobjective or untrue statements. The professional code of conduct for psychotherapists of the Federal Ministry of Health states under point IV "Psychotherapeutic services in public" that there is an obligation to give priority to technical points over commercial interests in advertising and announcements in public.


  • Beate Bahner: The new advertising right for doctors: Doctors are also allowed to advertise. Springer Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg 2001, ISBN 3-540-41297-2
  • Udo Schmitz, Christopher F. Büll, Rainer Riedel: Advertising in the doctor's office. Legal possibilities and limits. Frauenarzt 45 (2004), 1096-8, online (PDF document; 181 kB)
  • Günther Frielingsdorf: Practice Marketing: The Practice Location. Frauenarzt 49 (2008), 79–81, online (PDF document; 69 kB)
  • Stephan Kock: "Changing medical advertising - what can a doctor really do?" Deutsches Ärzteblatt - Magazin PRAXiS, 04/2013 online
  • Katri Helena Lyck, Jens Pätzold: "Practice strategy and advertising in the dental practice. Legally secure, individual, successful." Zahnärztlicher Fachverlag, Herne 2009, ISBN 978-3-941169-12-8
  • Volker J. Kreyher (Ed.): Handbook health and medicine marketing . R. v. Decker's publishing house, Hüthig GmbH & Co. KG, Heidelberg 2001, ISBN 3-7685-9792-X
  • Volker Streit, Michael Letter (ed.): Marketing for medical practices: Organizing, calculating and selling individual health services. Springer, Berlin 2004, ISBN 3540206418
  • Klaus-Dieter Thill: Marketing in the doctor's office: The way to an optimal presentation. Analysis, strategy, tools. Deutscher Ärzte-Verlag, 1st edition (June 1, 2005), ISBN 3769132475

Individual evidence

  1. BVerfG, decision of February 18, 2002 - 1BvR 1644/01
  2. (Model) professional code for German doctors (as of 2006). (No longer available online.) German Medical Association, December 5, 2006, archived from the original on July 15, 2007 .;
  3. Udo H. Cramer, Markus P. Henkel: Standesordnung and Competition - Plea for the unity of norms and enforcement . In: MedR - Medical Law . tape 18 , no. 12 , 2000, pp. 565-573 , doi : 10.1007 / s003500000350 .
  4. Law on advertising in the field of healing (Heilmittelwerbegesetz - HWG) § 11. In: Laws on the Internet. Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection, accessed on July 27, 2020 .
  5. Michael Schurr, Horst Kunhardt: The company doctor's practice - your success management . Springer, Heidelberg 2008, ISBN 978-3-662-53372-7 , pp. V , doi : 10.1007 / 978-3-540-48560-5 ( limited preview in Google Book search).
  6. ^ Heribert Meffert , Christoph Burmann , Manfred Kirchgeorg : Marketing: Basics of market-oriented corporate management. Concepts - instruments - practical examples . 10th edition. Gabler, Wiesbaden 2008, ISBN 978-3-8349-9584-1 , p.  10 ff . ( limited preview in Google Book search).
  7. JUSLINE GmbH: § 16 PsthG (Psychotherapy Act) - JUSLINE Austria. Retrieved February 20, 2017 .
  8. ^ RIS - Physicians Act 1998 § 53 - Federal law consolidated. Retrieved February 20, 2017 .
  9. Federal Ministry of Health: Professional code for psychotherapists. (PDF) March 13, 2012, accessed on July 27, 2020 .