Prem Dan

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Prem Dan (Indian for gift of love ) is an international aid organization founded in 1975 . It was brought into being by the Indian nun Felicity Morris . The organization mainly cares for the victims of poverty in Bombay's slums .

The children's aid project is not limited to short-term support in emergency situations. Prem Dan's aid aims to improve living conditions in the long term and to free children from need and misery. Prem Dan's philosophy motto is:

"Help the children to help themselves!"

Helping people help themselves

Prem Dan's help for self-help is structured as follows:

  • Education - Thanks to the support of their sponsors, Prem Dan's children receive a solid education. It improves one's chances of earning one's own income, increases independence and is the key to getting out of poverty.
  • Nutrition - Every second slum child is malnourished. The little ones are therefore particularly susceptible to diseases. Prem Dan's children can develop healthily thanks to a regular diet.
  • Health is another human right that Sister Felicity cares for. In the event of illness, she provides medical care and medication.

Human affection and compassion are the answer to the question of how one can help the countless children in Bombay's slums who are born in need and misery. It shows the children that regardless of where they come from the lowest caste, someone believes in them and the future.

Scope of help

Around 800 children between the ages of four and sixteen are currently being looked after. Prem Dan is financed exclusively from donations and sponsorship contributions and is politically independent.

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