Prepaid Association Germany

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Prepaid Association Germany e. V.
PVD logo.png
purpose Representation of the collective professional interests of the members as a company in the prepaid industry and promotion of the reputation of the prepaid industry in Germany.
Chair: Jonny Natelberg, Christian Aubry, Dr. Hartwig Gerhartinger, Volker Patzak, Jörg Steinmetz
Establishment date: June 15, 2011
Number of members: 23
Number of employees: 1-10
Seat : Berlin

The Prepaid Association Germany (PVD) e. V. , formerly Prepaid Forum Deutschland e. V. , is an industry association and lobby group for the prepaid industry operating in Germany . These include providers of prepaid payment instruments (such as banks and e-money institutes), processing companies, telecommunications providers, commercial enterprises, the credit card issue, wallet providers, card organizations, provider of loyalty systems and distributors of prepaid payment products on the market.

The association represents the interests of its members by actively developing the prepaid market and is the point of contact for politics, authorities and the public. He is also the publisher of the biannual magazine “PVD News” and organizes the annual prepaid congress. The PVD is a registered association and was founded in October 2011 as Prepaid Forum Deutschland e. V. based in Frankfurt am Main . In 2013 the name was changed to Prepaid Verband Deutschland e. V. and in 2018 the association's headquarters were relocated to Berlin .


  • Promotion of common interests and perception of the prepaid industry
  • Promotion of fair competition
  • Promotion of dialogue and exchange on regulatory issues in the prepaid industry


Members include a. Blackhawk, DTV Tabak , Edenred, epay / cadooz , fashioncheque, ICP, ingenico , Lekkerland , Mastercard , novum Bank , Paysafecard , ilo-profit, ReiseBank , SIX , Sodexo , solarisBank, SVS, Telecash, VVS, Weststein and wirecard .


The association is entered in the public list for the registration of associations and their representatives and is registered in the transparency register of the European Commission under the identification number 4311 5161 3776 - 29 .

Opinions on draft laws

The association submitted comments on several bills. On October 19, 2011, the Prepaid Forum Germany was invited to a hearing on the subject of money laundering prevention in the Finance Committee of the German Bundestag .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Prepaid Congress. Prepaid Association Germany e. V., accessed on July 31, 2017 .
  2. List on the registration of associations and their representatives, p. 583, entry 1720 (as of May 2017). German Bundestag, accessed on July 31, 2017 .
  3. ^ PVD: Statement on the draft law to optimize money laundering prevention. October 14, 2011, accessed June 25, 2018 .
  4. PVD and HDE : Position paper for identification of prepaid users of mobile phones. June 2016, accessed June 25, 2018 .
  5. PVD: Statement by the Prepaid Verband Deutschland (PVD) on the draft bill for a law to implement the supervisory regulations of the Second Payment Services Directive (ZDUG). January 4, 2017. Retrieved June 25, 2018 .
  6. ^ Prepaid Verband Deutschland (ed.): Positions of the PVD and its members . ( [accessed June 25, 2018]).
  7. Report of the Finance Committee on the draft law of the federal government (printed matter 17/6804 - draft of a law to optimize money laundering prevention). December 1, 2011, accessed June 25, 2018 .