Print texture

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Application and creation of print textures
Spatial representation of the application of print textures

A print texture is a digitized image of a surface structure. The pictures show motifs made from natural fabrics and materials such as stones, leather, wood, wool and textiles.


Print textures are used in graphics programs to provide surfaces and bodies with appropriate patterns and structures. Any surfaces such as floors or walls, but also work surfaces and furniture, ceramics and textiles can be covered with it. These print textures can also be used excellently in product presentations such as B. use at trade fairs or for the production of giant posters . Further applications can also be found in the 3D documentation . Texture mapping (means pattern mapping ) describes a process of 3D computer graphics. It is used to cover the surfaces of three-dimensional surface models with two-dimensional images - so-called "textures" - and new surface properties.


New techniques such as B. 3-D scanners, today enable print textures in extreme resolution, data size without distortion effect, as is the case with classic photographs through the lens effect. These so-called HQ data are mainly used in high-quality, large-format digital printing .

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