Per prefabricated house

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per prefabricated house

description Magazine for prefabricated houses
Area of ​​Expertise construction
language German
publishing company Fachschriften-Verlag (Germany)
First edition 1993
Frequency of publication bi-monthly
Sold edition 41,036 copies
( IVW  Q2 / 2010)
Widespread edition 60,055 copies
( IVW  Q2 / 2010)
Editor-in-chief Harald Fritsche
editor Fachschriften-Verlag GmbH & Co. KG
Web link

pro prefabricated house is a German special interest magazine for prefabricated houses. It has been published every two months since 1993 by Fachschriften-Verlag in Fellbach . Programmatically, the magazine focuses on the topic of prefabricated single-family houses. In compact form, it promises to bring all the advantages of prefabricated construction to the point. The topicality and the insights into the prefabricated house scene should make the magazine a must, especially for young, modern builders.

Exemplary topics

  • House report: filler with charm
  • House as a power plant: energy for living
  • In comparison: houses for small plots
  • 11 different: houses with wooden facades
  • Portrait: Build cleverly with Schwabenhaus
  • Ventilation systems: central or decentralized?

Web links