Inland fishermen's production cooperative

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A production cooperative of inland fishermen (abbreviation: PGB) was a socialist cooperative in the German Democratic Republic , whose members were inland fishermen . Originally set up as a production cooperative for working fishermen (abbreviation: PWF) in the model status, in 1982 it had to be renamed the production cooperative for inland fishermen. The association should be based on voluntary collaborative work. The aim was to create a joint cooperative economy through the merger, which, according to political ideas, should lead to increased rationality and effectiveness compared to individual production.


  • Journal for inland fisheries in the GDR , Volume 33, VEB Deutscher Landwirtschaftsverlag, 1986
  • Sebastian Kinder, Haik Thomas Porada : Brandenburg an der Havel and the surrounding area: a regional study in the area of ​​Brandenburg an der Havel, Pritzerbe, Reckahn and Wusterwitz , Böhlau Verlag Köln Weimar, 2006
  • Susanne Raillard: Sea and coastal fishing in Mecklenburg and Western Pomerania 1918 to 1960: Traditional trade under economic and political pressure to change. Publications on SBZ / GDR research in the Institute for Contemporary History , Walter de Gruyter, 2012

See also


  1. ^ Germany (East): Law Gazette of the German Democratic Republic . Deutscher Zentralverlag, 1981 ( [accessed December 13, 2017]).
  2. Horst Ulrich, Michael Fehlauer, Germany (West) Federal Ministry for Internal German Relations: MZ . Verlag Wissenschaft und Politik, 1985, ISBN 978-3-8046-8642-7 ( [accessed on December 13, 2017]).