Project Blue Sea

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Project Blue Sea
founding 1998 in Reken
Seat Herne , North Rhine-Westphalia (Germany)
main emphasis Marine protection

Project Blue Sea is a non-profit association for the protection of the seas .


In 1998, on the initiative of Sascha and Tanja Regmann, a contact point was founded for people who wanted to actively contribute to the protection of the seas and their inhabitants. In 1999, the non-profit association Project Blue Sea eV based in Herne / North Rhine-Westphalia developed.

First use

In 1998 there was the first major mission in the German Wadden Sea . The freighter Pallas burned on a sandbank and lost several tons of heavy oil, which ran unhindered into the sea. Project Blue Sea volunteers were on site to capture birds stuck with oil, bring them to rehabilitation facilities, and clean and prepare them for reintroduction.

On site across Europe

Since then, Project Blue Sea has been on site in many accidents with oil spills across Europe to help the animals affected. I.a. were members of the association after the sinking of the " Erika " on the Brittany coast on site, after the disaster of the tanker " Prestige " off the Spanish Atlantic coast and also very long time in Belgium, as there, the car carrier " Tricolor " in the English Channel had set .


The association now works successfully with the European Sea Alarm Foundation , which is always active where wild animals are threatened by oil disasters .

The association members work on a voluntary basis. Donations are used exclusively in the campaigns to protect the seas. Another focus of the work is the detection and clarification of grievances with regard to the seas.

Further subject areas

The association is against the Grindadráp of pilot whales in the Faroe Islands and against the Canadian seal hunt .

Club members demonstrated on the occasion of the International Whaling Commission (IWC) in 2003 in Berlin.

In addition, Project Blue Sea carries out projects with school classes and information events and organizes demonstrations, etc.

Web links


Project Blue Sea