Project Firestart

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Project Firestart is a home computer game for the Commodore 64 by Damon Slye . The game was developed by Dynamix and first published by Electronic Arts in 1989. The story of the action adventure game was based on the film Aliens and is considered a pioneer of the survival horror genre. Cinematic design options such as fade-ins and fade-outs were incorporated into the course of the game. The game made it possible to reach different endings of the story, and the graphics, which were very elaborate for the time, made the game very successful.

Despite the great success and the great praise of the critics - some described the game as the best adventure published to date - the game was not ported to other computers.


Due to the scarcity of raw materials on earth, one tries to extract raw materials on the moon Titan . But there is a hostile climate there. Since no one can work in this environment, a form of life should be created that is not affected by the conditions. The "Prometheus" - a research ship that contains the most modern genetics laboratory called "Firestart Labs" - is sent to Saturn.

The researchers finally succeed in creating the desired creature. After further research, several prototypes will be generated. But suddenly radio contact with "Prometheus" breaks off. Since huge sums of money have already been invested in this project, the government wants a solution to the incident. So she sends her best agent, Jon Hawking, to the "Prometheus". This should restore contact with the earth or at least secure the results of the research.

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