Project Amigo

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Amigo - Ambient Intelligence for the networked home environment or project Amigo for short is a joint EU research project of 16 European companies, research institutes and universities. Originally the project was supposed to have the subtitle Ambient Intelligence to go , from the first letters of which the project name Amigo was formed. Right at the beginning of the project the subtitle was changed to clarify the goals of the research project. However, the project name Amigo was retained because of its memorability.

The declared aim of the project is the research and development of a middleware . As open source software, this should contribute to the standardization and interoperability of services and devices in the networked home environment. Based on the middleware, new ways are to be developed to solve the current interoperability problems between different manufacturers.

The project is of the Integrated Project type and is funded with 13 million euros in the 6th Framework Program of the European Union.

Developed software

The Amigo software is freely available in both Java and .NET . The Amigo Middleware provides functional components for the discovery of services (Service Discovery) and the data exchange between them. Here are web services based on SOAP used. In addition to the middleware, services were implemented and published that provide basic functions in the networked house. The interoperability between the services is guaranteed by jointly defined ontologies . The central service in the Amigo system is the Amigo Context Management Service .

Context Management Service

The context management service (abbreviation in the project: CMS) is used to network and distribute context information in the Amigo system. Each type of information is initially understood as context information and can be made available to other services or applications with the help of a so-called context source. For this purpose, must each context source, the standardized interface IContextSource implement what the web subscribe , unsubscribe and Query prescribes.

From the combination of context information, service can make intelligent decisions for the user and thus come closer to the idea of ambient intelligence . A service can retrieve information synchronously (project name: query-driven ) by calling the query method from a context source, or asynchronously (project name: data-driven ) using the subscribe method. With asynchronous data exchange, the service registers with the context source using the subscribe method. In the event of new context information, the context source notifies the service.

Service define their desired context information through SPARQL questions, which are derived from the ontologies.

Project partner

VTT (Finland); France Telecom (France); INRIA (France); University of Paderborn (Germany); Fraunhofer IPSI (Germany); Microsoft (Germany); Fraunhofer IMS (Germany); Fraunhofer SIT (Germany); Singular Logic (Greece); National Technical University of Athens (Greece); Italdesign (Italy); Ikerlan (Spain); Telefónica (Spain); Fagor (Spain); Philips (Netherlands); Telematica Instituuts (Netherlands)

facts and figures

  • Project management: Philips
  • Contract number: IST 004182
  • Project type: Integrated Project
  • Project start: September 1, 2004
  • Duration: 42 months
  • Project end: February 29, 2008
  • Budget: 24 million euros
  • EU funding: 13 million euros


  • Ramparany, Poortinga, Stikic, Schmalenströer, Prante, "An open Context Information Management Infrastructure", 3rd IET International Conference on Intelligent Environments (IE'07), Ulm, 2007

Individual evidence

  1. Project summary on ( Memento of the original from January 27, 2008 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  2. Amigo Opensource Software

Web links