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In German grammar, the term apodosis is the term used to describe the suffix within a conditional or concessive sentence structure. The antecedent, i.e. the prerequisite in the sentence structure, is called protasis . The apodosis is the consequence of this premise.

In rhetoric , both terms are used to distinguish between the “tension-creating” (protasis) and the “tension-releasing” (apodosis) components of an antithetical thought or sentence.

Example: When it rains, I take an umbrella with me. The apodosis is here I take an umbrella with me , as a consequence of the protasis when it rains .

In Gero of Wilpon is (stylistic or metric) of "Apodosis" as the trailing set in a two-membered period speaking, especially after a set of conditions.

The names Protasis and Apodosis come from the ancient Greek grammarians. The actual meaning of the word protasis is (gr. Πρότασις) "that thrust out" that the word apodosis (gr. Ἀπόδoσις) is "giving the guilty".


  • Wilhelm Pötters : Negated implication in Italian. Theory and description of the linguistic expression of concession based on the prose language of the Decameron. Niemeyer, Tübingen 1992, ISBN 3-484-52239-9 , p. 42 ( supplements to the journal for Romance philology 239).

Individual evidence

  1. Hadumod Bußmann (Ed.): Lexicon of Linguistics. 3rd, updated and expanded edition. Kröner, Stuttgart 2002, ISBN 3-520-45203-0 , p. 618.
  2. Gero von Wilpert : Specialized Dictionary of Literature (= Kröner's pocket edition . Volume 231). 5th, improved and enlarged edition. Kröner, Stuttgart 1969, DNB 458658170 , p. 600.
  3. Bornemann, Eduard; Risch, Ernst: Greek grammar. 2nd edition, Braunschweig 1978, p. 289 (reprint 2009).