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Proto-Basque, or more rarely Urbaskian ( known as Aitzineuskara in Basque and protoeuskera or protovasco in Spanish ) is a reconstructed pre-form of the Basque language before the Roman conquests of the western Pyrenees .

Research history

The linguist Koldo Mitxelena (1915–1987), who also published under the name of Luis Michelena, is a pioneer in the study of Proto-Basque . His work focused on the period from the 5th century BC to the 1st century AD, i.e. the time immediately before and after the Basque region's first contact with the Roman Empire .

Mitxelena mainly worked with the method of internal reconstruction, as there are no known native languages to Basque as an isolated language , so the comparative method would not be applicable. By comparing variants of the same word in different modern dialects of Basque and analyzing the changes that foreign Latin words have undergone in Basque, he was able to deduce both preliminary forms and phonetic changes in Basque in the early 1960s .

Koldo Mitxelena's fundamental works were mainly created before the discovery of the inscriptions in Aquitaine, which fully confirmed the Proto-Basque forms postulated by him.

Since then, a number of other well-known linguists such as Larry Trask , Alfonso Irigoien, Henri Gavel and, most recently, Joseba Lakarra , Joaquín Gorrotxategi, Ricardo Gómez, and Michel Morvan have advanced research into Proto-Basque language. Several of them, for example Lakarra, examined even older layers of Basque before the Celtic colonization of the Iberian Peninsula ("Pre-Proto-Basque").

See also

Web links


  • Ballester, Xaverio: La adfinitas de las lenguas aquitana e ibérica , Palaeohispanica . 2001. 1, pp. 21-33.
  • Gorrochategui, Joaquín The Basque Language and its Neighbors in Antiquity , Towards a History of the Basque Language . 1995. pp. 31-63.
  • Michelena, Luis: De onomástica aquitana , Pirineos . 1954. 10, pp. 409-58.
  • Mitxelena, Koldo: Fonética histórica vasca ("Historical Phonology of Basque") (1961)
  • Mitxelena, K .: Lenguas y protolenguas ("Languages ​​and Proto- Languages") (1963)
  • Mitxelena, K .: Textos arcaicos vascos ("Archaic Basque Texts") (1964)
  • Mitxelena, K .: Sobre el pasado de la lengua vasca ("On the Development of Basque") (1964)
  • Morvan, Michel: Les origines linguistiques du basque (1996)
  • Morvan, Michel: Dictionnaire étymologique basque , online, given, (2008–2020)
  • Rodríguez Ramos, Jesús: La hipótesis del vascoiberismo desde el punto de vista de la epigrafía íbera , Fontes Linguae Vasconum .2002. 90, pp. 197-219.
  • Trask, Larry R .: Origin and relatives of the Basque Language: Review of the evidence , Towards a History of the Basque Language . 1995. pp. 65-99.