Ptoon painter

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The “Hearst Hydria” in the Metropolitan Museum of Art (56.171.28), around 540 BC. Chr.

The Greek vase painter , who is referred to by the emergency name Ptoon painter , worked in Athens in the middle third of the sixth century BC . He was a representative of the black-figure style .

The Ptoon painter preferred above all oval necks, amphorae , spherical hydria and siana bowls as image carriers . His trademarks are representational palmettes and strong black and red patterns on bird wings. Along with the Camtar painter, he is one of the last representatives of the painters of animal friezes and is not particularly good here either. In the background of the picture he still places blob rosettes that are actually no longer in use at the time. However, a few details, plant ornaments connected with eyelets instead of links, and figurative representations reminiscent of the painter Lydos show that it should probably be added later than the first glance would suggest. His best-known work is the Hearst Hydria, now in New York .


Web links

Commons : Ptoon Painter  - Collection of Pictures, Videos and Audio Files


  1. ^ John Boardman: Black-Figure Vases from Athens. Philipp von Zabern, Mainz 1977, p. 39.