Publius Ostorius Scapula

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Publius Ostorius Scapula , statue on the terrace of the Roman Baths of Bath

Publius Ostorius Scapula († 52 in Britain ) was a Roman general, politician and governor ( legatus Augusti pro praetore ) in Britain from 47 until his death .


Publius Ostorius Scapula was probably the son of the eponymous prefect of Egypt in Augustan times and the nephew of the Praetorian prefect Quintus Ostorius Scapula .

Under Claudius , Ostorius Scapula became a suffect consul in an unknown year before 47. In that year, the emperor appointed him to succeed Aulus Plautius as legatus Augusti pro praetore of Britain. He held this office until his death. Immediately after taking office Ostorius scapula began a winter campaign against the Celtic brigands in central England and against in today's East Anglia -based Iceni . After the victory over the Iceni, his son Marcus Ostorius Scapula , who presumably served as a military tribune , was awarded the corona civica for the rescue of Roman citizens.

Ostorius Scapula's military accomplishments include the suppression of the Silurian uprising under Caratacus . The Roman Senate applied for ornamenta triumphalia for the rebel's capture . However, the governor succumbed to illness in 52 before he could claim this honor. Aulus Didius Gallus succeeded him in the office of governor of Britain.



Individual evidence

  1. Tacitus, Annals 12, 31, 3-4.
  2. Tacitus, Annalen 12, 39, 3: taedio curarum fessus .