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Pulmonary (lat., Mutatis mutandis , the lung on ) is a medical term of art and usually referred to the recording path of drugs , but also pollutants and chemicals . Pulmonary can, however, also be a reason for modifying the treatment of a patient , which has not yet been specified in more detail and which affects the lungs (e.g. new pulmonary edema or pulmonary embolism ).

In medicine this term is used in connection with certain diseases.

Quite a few - often poisonous - chemicals, however, also have a pulmonary effect or are absorbed through breathing through the lungs . These are in particular gases (e.g. hydrogen sulfide ), but also vapors from liquids.

In linguistics , the term is used for pulmonary egressive consonants .

See also

  • Perorally (oral intake)
  • Percutaneous (absorption through the skin)
  • CPR (abbreviation for c ardio- p ulmonal r esuscitation , cardiopulmonary resuscitation; cardiopulmonary resuscitation)