Point-by-point convergence

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The pointwise convergence is in the analysis a concept of convergence for sequences of functions . A sequence of functions converges pointwise to a function if for all points ( "Points") from the common domain the result against converges.


Consider a sequence of functions , . The sequence of functions is called pointwise convergent to a function if holds for all


Then you write



Formally then converges pointwise to if and only if


that is, it must be for each and every natural number type, such that for all the following applies: .


For example, the sequence converges with

in the interval point by point against the function with

because obviously applies


It should be noted, however, that point-wise convergence is not synonymous with uniform convergence , since z. For example, the above example converges point by point, but in no way converges uniformly (so every term of the sequence is continuously differentiable everywhere, but the limit function is not even continuous): Uniform convergence is a much stronger statement.

A weakening of the point-wise convergence is the point-wise convergence μ-almost everywhere .

For pointwise convergence, the values ​​of the functions do not necessarily have to be real numbers; they can be elements of any topological space .

See also

Uniform convergence
