Purkinje pictures

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Illustration of the emergence of the different Purkinje images through reflections at the optical interfaces
Human eye with Purkinje images

As Purkinje images and sometimes Purkinje Sanson images are reflections incoming light through the optical boundary surfaces of the eye called. Four different Purkinje images result from the four interfaces of the eye: the surface of the cornea (P1) , the rear surface of the cornea (P2) , the front surface of the lens (P3) and the rear surface of the lens (P4) .

Based on the Purkinje images, the movement of the eyes can be measured with the aid of dual Purkinje image trackers . This makes use of the fact that the relationship between the first Purkinje image on the cornea and the fourth image on the lens changes when the eye moves.

The Purkinje pictures were named after Jan Evangelista Purkyně .

Web links

Commons : Purkinje Pictures  - collection of pictures, videos, and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Purkinje Sanson mirror images. In: spectrum . Retrieved August 12, 2020 .
  2. ^ A b Michael Reiss, Gilfe Reiss: Balance diagnosis: Videonystagmography and new examination methods . Springer-Verlag, Berlin 2015, ISBN 978-3-662-45325-4 , pp. 46 .
  3. a b M.-M. Gellrich, C. Kandzia: Purkinje Images in Slit Lamp Videoography . In: The ophthalmologist . tape 9 , no. 113 , 2016, p. 789-793 , doi : 10.1007 / s00347-016-0343-4 .