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German title Headhunt
Original title Redd Inc.
Country of production Australia
original language English
Publishing year 2012
length 89 minutes
Age rating FSK 18
Director Daniel Krige
script Jonathon Green ,
Anthony O'Connor
production Jonathon Green,
Sandy Stevens
music Michael Yezerski
camera Richard Bradshaw
cut Ceinwen Berry

Head Hunt (Original title: Redd Inc. ) is an Australian horror - comedy by Daniel Krige from 2012.


Thomas Reddman was convicted of multiple murders and was admitted to a psychiatric clinic. There his brain was manipulated so that he can no longer feel pain. He succeeds in faking his death and now he demands revenge for the wrong judgment.

He kidnaps at least seven people: the judge, the two witnesses Annabelle Hale, who earns money as an Internet stripper , and the parcel delivery man William Tucker, the police officer Edward Crandell, the " medium " Sheena O'Leary, his former lawyer Rudy Khan and the opposing attorney Guy Marr. Annabelle Hale and William were present for his last act when the elevator opened. Inside a decapitated corpse and Reddmann with the murder weapon in his hand.

While he tortures the judge in a separate room, he ties the other six people together in an office and explains their duties. He is now their new boss and they should investigate his case until they have found the real culprit. At night they sleep at their desk. They receive three toilet breaks a day and three meals. Anyone who does not follow his instructions will receive a warning, if five warnings are noted on the person's forehead, one will be dismissed. What this means becomes clear to the six people shortly afterwards: Guy, who has been trapped for a long time, receives his fifth and his head is cut off by Reddmann. The decaying corpse is left for several days before being removed.

The apparently pointless task - no one believes in his innocence - is now handled relatively superficially by the remaining employees and everyone receives several warnings. Annabelle finds a ventilation shaft in the toilet and tries to loosen the screws during her breaks. But since she only has five minutes, it takes a long time. This is how the days go by. Second, the medium dies, who shortly before her death admits that she has no skills. Eventually, Annabelle notices a detail that shows that the policeman messed about checking Reddmann's alibi. He couldn't have committed one of the murders because he was at a company party. When this comes to light, Reddmann kills the policeman.

Annabelle finally manages to escape her tormentor through the ventilation shaft. She also succeeds in locking him up in a room and freeing the two remaining prisoners. You call the police. But now she has to realize that William Tucker is the real culprit, while Rudy is killed by Reddmann. She finally manages to escape.

A few months later she immortalized her experiences in a book. On the day of the publication, she has an appointment with her father. But William has hidden behind him and kills her father when she opens the door. Annabelle manages to overpower William and she runs out into the street. There she meets Reddman, who turns against William and beheads him. Then he wishes her a nice day. Annabelle brings her head to her first reading.


At Head Hunt is an independent film by Daniel Krige, who originally called Inhuman Resources was announced. The splatter effects come from horror film legend Tom Savini , who plays a small role in the film.

The film was released on September 12 (rental version) and September 26, 2014 (purchase version) in its uncut version on Blu-Ray and DVD.


On the Splatting Image website , Alexander Karpisek wrote: “HEADHUNT is nothing more than the intelligent offspring of the stupid SAW . But one should be able to make friends with appropriate malice even more. In any case, the uncut version of Mad Dimension can be unreservedly recommended. ”The film is also favorably reviewed on the website of the film magazine Cinema :“ Greetings from "Saw", but when it comes to originality, the Australian B-film has the bloody nose ahead. Bring resilience for the choking scenes, flexibility for an absurd but excitingly told story with a surprising twist and a sense of black humor. The actors are able to work in a team and their talent is well above the genre average. "

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Release certificate for headhunt . Voluntary self-regulation of the film industry , July 2014 (PDF; test number: 146 146 V).
  2. Marcel Demuth: Film review: "Headhunt" (2012). In: Filmchecker. April 15, 2013, accessed on August 12, 2020 (German).
  3. ^ Trailer for Redd, Inc. With FX Supervised By Tom Savini. January 20, 2012, accessed August 12, 2020 (American English).
  4. ^ FILM “Headhunt (Redd Inc.)” (Horror) - Amboss-Mag.de. Retrieved August 12, 2020 .
  5. Headhunt in the online film database . Retrieved August 12, 2020
  6. Gerald Wurm: Headhunt comes unabridged to Germany. In: Schnittberichte.com. Retrieved August 12, 2020 .
  7. Alexander Karpisek: Headhunt. In: Splatting Image . February 23, 2015, accessed on August 12, 2020 (German).
  8. ^ Headhunt. In: Cinema.de . Retrieved August 12, 2020 .