Quasi-Möbius image

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In metric geometry, quasi-Möbius images generalize the term Möbius image known from complex geometry . They occur in particular as marginal images of quasi-isometrics of Gromov hyperbolic spaces .


A mapping between metric spaces and is called quasi-Möbius if it contains the double ratio except for a controlled deviation, i.e. if there is a constant bijection with it

gives. The double ratio of four points in a metric space is defined by .

If even

holds, then one speaks (in generalization of the term from complex geometry) of a Möbius mapping.


Swap and gives the opposite inequality (with a different function ). It follows from this that the inverse of a quasi-Möbius image is again a quasi-Möbius image. Furthermore, the combination of two quasi-Möbiusa images is a quasi-Möbius image.

Quasi-Möbius pictures are quasiconformal . The reverse applies in Loewner rooms .

Efremovich-Tichomirova's theorem

Every quasi-isometry between hyperbolic spaces can be continued to a homeomorphism of the edges at infinity , which is a quasi-Möbius image.

This theorem has an inversion for non-degenerate hyperbolic spaces, i.e. H. if there is a constant such that each point is at most all three sides of a triangle apart . With this assumption, every quasi-Möbius homeomorphism can be extended to a quasi-isometry .


  • J. Väisälä: Quasi-Möbius maps , J. Anal. Math. 44, 218-234 (1984/85)
  • V. Efremovich, E. Tichomirova: Epimorphisms of hyperbolic spaces , Izv. Ac. Nauk. 28, 1139-1144 (1964)
  • F. Paulin: Un groupe hyperbolique est déterminé par son bord , J. Lond. Math. Soc. 54: 50-74 (1996)
  • M. Bonk, O. Schramm: Embeddings of Gromov-hyperbolic spaces , Geom. Func. Anal. 10, 266-306 (2000)