Quintus Considius (judge)

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Quintus Considius († after 59 BC) was a member of the Roman plebeian family of Considier . He was a senator and distinguished himself in 74 BC. As an incorruptible judge and 63 BC. As a prudent moneylender. Already at an advanced age he criticized 59 BC Bold Gaius Iulius Caesar because of his intimidation of senators.


Quintus Considius could be identical with a Considius mentioned by Valerius Maximus , a state tenant and friend of the speaker Lucius Licinius Crassus , or his son. Another famous speaker, Marcus Tullius Cicero , characterizes Considius' administration as judge in the proceedings against the Roman knight Statius Albius Oppianicus 74 BC. As extremely righteous. In 70 BC The trial against the former governor of Sicily, Gaius Verres , was held against Considius as a judge.

As a very wealthy man, Considius made large loans. He did not give notice of this either in the internal political crisis triggered by the Catiline conspiracy (63 BC), through which the property of his debtors had lost much of its value, although he had lent a total of 15 million sesterces. In doing so, he defused the crisis situation as far as he could. A Senate resolution expressly thanked him for this meritorious behavior.

When Gaius Iulius Caesar in 59 BC BC, in which he was consul , exerted great pressure on the Senate, there was a verbal exchange of blows between him and the already very old Considius. The latter complained to the consul that many senators had not come to the meeting because they were afraid of his soldiers. Caesar then wanted to know why Considius had not stayed at home too. Considius replied that because of his old age, he was not afraid of dying.



  1. Valerius Maximus 9, 1, 1.
  2. ^ Friedrich Münzer : Considius 7). In: Paulys Realencyclopadie der classischen Antiquity Science (RE). Volume IV, 1, Stuttgart 1900, Col. 913.
  3. ^ Cicero, Pro A. Cluentio 107.
  4. ^ Cicero, In Verrem actio 1, 18.
  5. ^ Cicero, Epistulae ad Atticum 1, 12, 1.
  6. Valerius Maximus 4, 8, 3.
  7. Cicero, Epistulae ad Atticum 2, 24, 4; Plutarch , Caesar 14, 13ff.