Quintus Considius (Tribune of the People)

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According to the description of the ancient historians Titus Livius and Dionysius of Halicarnassus in 476 BC, Quintus Considius BC was a tribune of the people of the early Roman Republic , but its historicity is questioned by today's ancient historians. He would have been by far the earliest tangible representative of the gens Considia .

Together with his colleague Titus Genucius , Quintus Considius had applied for an agricultural law in his tribunate and the consul of 477 BC. BC, Titus Menenius Lanatus , accused because he did not support the 306 Fabians in the unfortunate battle of the Cremera against the Etruscan city of Veji , although he was not far away in a field camp.



  1. ^ Livy 2, 52, 3.
  2. Livy 2: 52, 3; Dionysius of Halicarnassus 9, 27, 2.