Robber barons

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"The protectors of our industries". Cartoon depicting Cyrus Field , Jay Gould , Cornelius Vanderbilt , and Russell Sage being carried by workers seated on money bags.

As robber barons American capitalists of the late 19th century to around the Gilded Age refers.

The term is used in a socially critical way and refers to the unscrupulous business practices of industrialists who constantly increased their wealth, for example through monopolies.

Key people

Among others, the following business people are named in the listed references robber barons:

Modern use

Even in the 21st century, the morality of certain business practices is negotiated under the term. For example, Bruce Springsteen sang about bankers as "Robber Barons" in 2012. During the Occupy Wall Street protests in 2011, the term was used by Bernie Sanders in his speech against Wall Street.

The business practices of the Silicon Valley billionaires are also compared by various media with those of the robber barons. The Democrat Jamie Raskin called at a hearing of the big technology corporations of America ( GAFA ) before the US Congress about their monopoly position the entrepreneurs heard as "Cyber ​​Barons" in reference to the robber barons


  1. ^ A b Hal Bridges: The Robber Baron Concept In American History . In: Business History Review . tape 32 , no. 1 , 1958, ISSN  0007-6805 , pp. 1–13, here p. 1 .
  2. a b robber baron | Definition, Significance, & Captains of Industry. Retrieved August 1, 2020 .
  3. ^ A b Robber baron (industrialist) - Wikipedia. Retrieved August 1, 2020 .
  4. Christof Mauch : Who were the robber barons? In: ders., The 101 Most Important Questions in American History. Munich 2008. pp. 61-63.
  5. Erik Kirschbaum, "Bruce Springsteen Bankers Are 'Greedy Thieves'" Reuters May 31, 2012
  6. ^ Bernie Sanders: Outsider in the White House . Verso Books, 2015, p. 278.
  7. ^ Victor Davis Hanson: Silicon Valley Billionaires Are the New Robber Barons . 17th August 2017. 
  8. Seton Motley: Silicon Valley Robber Barons Are Using Government As A Weapon Against Us . July 31, 2017. 
  9. Achim Sawall: US committee wants to smash Google, Facebook and Amazon. In:, July 30, 2020, accessed on August 1, 2020 .