RA Awoonor-Williams

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Francis Awoonor Williams , also RA Awoonor-Williams , was a Ghanaian politician and lawyer .

life and career

Awoonor Williams' ancestors came from what is now Sierra Leone , who had settled in the British colony of the Gold Coast . The progenitor of the family settled in Keta and married into an Anlo Ewe family . Arose from the corruption of the Ethniennamens by the Akan and Europeans in "Awuna" anglicised "Awoonor". Francis Awoonor Williams married Nora Rosemond Bannerman, a Fante woman , and practiced his legal profession in Sekondi . His son George Brigars Williams (1929-2016) was a well-known actor.

On August 4, 1947, Awoonor Williams co-founded the United Gold Coast Convention (UGCC), the first Gold Coast party. As such, he is considered an advocate of Ghana's independence and the country's founding father. He was responsible for the administration of party finances in the UGCC under Paa Grant . After Kwame Nkrumah , who later became Prime Minister and President of Ghana, left the UGCC and founded the Convention People's Party (CPP) in June 1949 , Awoonor Williams became an important representative of the Ghanaian opposition.

The constitutions of Ghana of 1969, 1972 and 1992 show in parts the handwriting of the UGCC founders.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b UGCC’S CONSTITUTION: IT TELLS A STORY. In: blakkpepper.com (September 6, 2017), accessed May 20, 2018.
  2. David Owusu-Ansah : Historical Dictionary of Ghana. Rowman & Littlefield, 4th Edition, Plymouth 2014, ISBN 978-0-8108-7242-4 , p. 316.
  3. UGCC Birthed Democracy - Oquaye. In: modernghana.com (August 8, 2017), accessed May 20, 2018.