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RTN is the abbreviation for R os T ekh N adzor ( Russian НАДЗОР, translated “surveillance”) and denotes Soviet or Russian standards .


RosAtom build control laboratory.jpg

Until 2004, today's RTN was known under the name GGTN (Gosgortekhnadzor). The editor of RTN is the Federalnoje agentstwo po technitscheskomu regulirowaniju i metrologii (russ. Федеральное агентство по техническому регулированию и метрологии, scientific. Transliteration Federal'noe agentstvo po techničeskomu regulirovaniju i metrologii , "Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology" translated). It is subordinate to the government of the Russian Federation and its headquarters are in Moscow .


RTN approvals are required for hazardous production processes such as B. during flammable or potentially explosive processes, the use of associated accessories and all other processes that could endanger human health and the environment.

An RTN approval is a permit to use machines and products with the properties specified above.

Common areas where RTN approval is required:

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