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RUSCICO / Russian Cinema Council

legal form Limited Liability Organization (OOO)
Seat Moscow , Russia
Branch DVD authoring , distribution

RUSCICO (Russian Cinema Council) is a commercial association for the publication of Soviet and Russian films outside of the former Soviet Union. The Russian-based company has sales partners in various countries who sell the program (in some cases only partially). As a rule, these are films from Mosfilm , but in some cases there are also films from other Soviet studios in the RUSCICO program. For some time now, RUSCICO has also been selling selected international films and animated films by Studio Ghibli in Russia.


Since the rights to films by Mosfilm in Russia are often held by other companies (sometimes with several at the same time), RUSCICO positions itself as a pure export label, i.e. H. it provides Russian films for distribution exclusively outside the territory of the former USSR.

As far as the program is concerned, RUSCICO's program partially overlaps with the program of the Mosfilm subsidiary Krupnyi Plan ( Russian "Крупный План" ), which produces Mosfilm DVDs for distribution in Russia. There are the following similarities and differences in the distribution of films from the former USSR:


  • The two labels largely share the digital restoration of Mosfilm's films, i.e. H. the sources for the video are identical
  • RUSCICO has i. d. R. Access to the Dolby Digital 5.1 sound track, which is also used by Krupnyi Plan.
  • Both labels also have the export business as their goal, whereby they often cannibalize themselves. RUSCICO claims to bring Russian film material closer to western film lovers (i.e. not immigrants of Russian origin ), which is why the discs are always equipped with many subtitles and menu languages. Krupnyi Plan also has distribution partners in many countries, but only in very few countries masters their discs in such a way that they can also be understood by non-Russians in the target country (these exceptions are, for example, the USA and the countries of the Baltic States ).


  • In RUSCICO releases, apart from the Russian soundtrack in Dolby 5.1, there is usually an English and a French soundtrack. If a synchro exists, it will be used; otherwise a voiceover translation will be recorded.
  • DVDs from Krupnyi Plan always contain the original soundtrack (mostly in mono), whereas RUSCICO often does without this.
  • Krupnyi Plan DVDs mostly either have no subtitles or only Russian ones. RUSCICO publications always have several subtitles, u. a. English, German, French, Italian and Spanish.
  • If the export version shown outside of Russia is shorter than the original Russian version (as happened with the film “The Occupation” ( Russian “Экипаж” ) or “You are fighting for the homeland” ( Russian “Они сражались за Родину” )), RUSCICO publishes sometimes the shortened version, although a longer version exists.
  • For anamorphic films, Krupnyi Plan DVDs sometimes have the wrong aspect ratio. At RUSCICO this error has mostly been eliminated.
  • The bonus material at Krupnyi Plan and RUSCICO is correct. d. Usually do not match.


Since RUSCICO only has the rights to distribute Soviet films outside of Russia, considerable effort is usually made with these DVDs to prevent parallel distribution in Russia (this does not, however, affect other films from the RUSCICO program):

  • The DVDs from RUSCICO are i. d. Usually much more expensive than the Krupnyi Plan versions.
  • RUSCICO DVDs have a separate warning on the copyright notice when the DVD is started.
  • For some titles, manual switching of languages ​​and subtitles is blocked via User Operations Prohibitions (UOP).
  • If the Russian language is selected, viewing the film without subtitles is often prevented so that you can only watch a film in Russian with subtitles (this restriction can be circumvented using the title menu button in the DVD player).

International sales partners

RUSCICO DVDs are often sold in different countries by sales partners, some with their own covers. These are among others:

In Germany, RUSCICO DVDs are only available through Russian-language import shops, as the rights to the majority of Soviet films in Germany are held by Icestorm Entertainment , which were acquired through the purchase of the exploitation rights from DEFA archives (and therefore have no original sound and no subtitles).

Design features

RUSCICO DVDs are usually designed in the same way. There are versions with an English as well as a Russian cover and disc imprint. Furthermore, films are mastered in NTSC for the US market and in PAL for the European market .

The individual titles are subordinated to several collective terms. There are 5 collective terms for English-language covers:

  • Director (films made by a specific director)
  • Original story by (film adaptations of literary works by certain authors)
  • Fairy tales (Russian fairy tales)
  • War (war film)
  • History (history film)

The Russian publications have more generic terms:

  • Киноакадемия (Film Academy)
  • Режиссер (films made by a specific director)
  • Экранизация (film adaptations of literary works by certain authors) * Сказки
  • Война (war film)
  • История (history film)
  • DVD сборники (DVD collections)
  • Арменфильм (films from Armenfilm, the Armenian film studio)
  • Грузия-фильм (films from Grusia-Film, the Georgian film studio)
  • Детектив (crime novels)
  • Документальное кино (documentaries)
  • Кинофантастика (Science Fiction)
  • Любимые комедии (Popular Comedies)
  • Мировая анимация (animation from around the world)
  • Мировое кино (films from around the world)
  • Музыкальные прогрыммы (music programs)
  • Русская классика на DVD (Russian Classic on DVD)
  • Сериал (series)
  • Современное Российское кино (Modern Russian Cinema)
  • Таллинфильм (films by Tallinnfilm, the Estonian film studio)
  • Французское кино (French film)

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