Rab dad

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Rab Papa (Papa bar Chanan, in English-speaking countries: Pappa ; † 375 ) was a 5th generation Amora in Babylonia.

He was a student of Abajes and Raba and founded a school in Naresch near Sura .

He liked to quote folk proverbs.


  • W. Bacher : The Agada of the Babylonian Amorae . Hildesheim 1965, pp. 141-143
  • J. Neusner : A History of the Jews in Babylonia . 5 volumes, Leiden 1965–1970, volume 4 passim
  • ZM Dor: The Palestinian tradition and the Halakhic teaching of Rabbi Pappa . In: World Congress of Jewish Studies I . Jerusalem 1967, pp. 157-162 (Hebrew)
  • ZM Dor: The Teachings of Eretz Israel in Babylon . Tel Aviv 1971, pp. 79–115 (Hebrew)
  • M. Schiff: The contribution of Rav Pappa to the redaction of “Talmud” (according to the tractates of Seder Moed) . Tel Aviv 1979 (Hebrew)