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Rabotschi (Eng. The Worker ) was a Bolshevik daily newspaper, which as the central organ of the RSDLP from 25 August / 7. September until 2./15. September 1917 when the Pravda newspaper, persecuted under this name by the Provisional Government , was published in Petrograd .

Twelve numbers appeared. On August 28 and 29 (September 10 and September 11) and on August 1 and 14 In September the Rabotschi appeared twice as a separate edition. The print run was 50,000 copies.

The editorial board was the same as that of the Proletari newspaper . The newspaper printed Lenin's articles Political Extortion, “Resolutions on Paper”, “On the Stockholm Conference”, “From the Diary of a Policeman” and others. On September 2, the Provisional Government banned the Rabochi .

The following day Pravda appeared under the new name Rabotschi Put .