Rabochi Put

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Ratbotschi Put ( Russian: The Workers' Path ) is the name of a Bolshevik daily newspaper . Rabotschi Put was the organ of the Central Committee (ZK) of the Social Democratic Workers' Party of Russia (RSDLP), which was published in Petrograd from September 3rd / 16th to October 26th / November 8th 1917 . The newspaper was one of the Pravda titles chosen when the Provisional Government was banned . 46 issues appeared, with a print run of around 100,000 copies.


On the morning of October 24th / November 6th, 1917 , there was an attack by student officers on the newspaper's printing plant. The Central Committee of the SDLP, which met around this time, decided to "quickly send the guard back to the printing works and ensure that the next issue of the newspaper is published in good time" (minutes of the Central Committee of the RSDLP, August 1917-February 1918, 1958, P. 119).

On the orders of the Petrograd Revolutionary Military Committee , the Red Guards and revolutionary soldiers evicted the officer students, and the printing plant was reopened. The number of the "Rabotschi Put" of October 14 / November 6, 1917, which called for the overthrow of the Provisional Government, was printed during the day and distributed among the workers and soldiers.

In the evening another section of the officer students attacked the printing works to shut it down. The Red Guards and soldiers disarmed the officer students and imprisoned them in the Peter and Paul Fortress . In number 46 of the "Rabotschi Put" from October 16/8. On November 11th, 1917, the appeal "To the Citizens of Russia", signed by Lenin , appeared , proclaiming the victory of the "Great October Socialist Revolution". From October 27th / November 9th 1917 the "Rabotschi Put" appeared again under the title "Pravda".