Racah parameters

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The Israeli-Italian mathematician and physicist Giulio Racah observed that the electrostatic repulsion occurring in multi-electron systems can be described in its entirety by only three linear combinations of Slater's electron interaction integrals F k (Coulomb integral, exchange integral, repulsion integral). The abbreviations A , B and C for these linear combinations are called Racah parameters .


A = F 0 - 49F 4
B = F 2 - 5F 4
C = 35F 4


In complex chemistry , these are often used to describe the electrostatic repulsion of an electron configuration.

Tanabe-Sugano diagram for the d 2 configuration in the octahedral field

The following energy values ​​apply:

term Parameterized energy values
1 p A + 14 B + 7 C
1 D A - 3 B + 2 C
1 G A + 4 B + 2 C
3 P A + 7 B
3 F A - 8 B

From this, a power difference between P and Q terms of (carried A + 7 B (-) A - 8 B ) = 15 B .


  • Giulio Racah: Theory of Complex Spectra II . In: Physical Review . 62, 1942, p. 438. doi : 10.1103 / PhysRev.62.438 .
  • Housecroft CE and Sharpe AG, Inorganic Chemistry , 2nd Updated Edition, Pearson Study, 2006.