Computer revenge

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Revenge by Computer (English original title: Intruder ) is a computer and hacker novel by the American writer Louis Charbonneau from 1979 , which is set in the American city of Hollister.


In 1970 Edward Lee Craddock and his pregnant wife Mary Jane are on their way to Hollister to the hospital when they run out of gas outside town and have to stop at a gas station. Since they no longer have any cash except for a credit card, Edward tries to persuade the gas station owner to sell him a liter of gas on his credit card. But he refuses to sell to "hippies" and therefore asks him with a shotgun to leave his shop. Edward and Mary now try in vain to stop the cars in the direction of the city and have to walk the entire distance to the hospital. When they arrive at the hospital, it's too late for Mary Jane.

Seven years later, the central computer in the Hollister data center is going crazy. Strange power cuts and malfunctions in the traffic light controls in cities, universities and banks cause numerous deaths. Edward Lee Craddock is behind all of these apparitions.



"[I] t's impossible not to be reminded of the computer credo: GIGO (Garbage In, Garbage Out)."

"It is impossible not to be reminded of the computer credo: GIGO (garbage in, garbage out; garbage in, garbage out)."

- Kirkus Review


Parts of the novel are used in the book “ Datenfern Transmission per Computer” by Thomas Winzer from Franzisverlag.


"The system is mine."

- Louis Charbonneau : revenge on the computer


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Intruder by Louis Charbonneau. In: Kirkus Review. March 2, 1979, accessed May 24, 2017 .