Framework nations concept

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The frame concept Nations (English: Framework Nations concept called: FNC) is a concept of European cooperation in defense NATO -Staaten.

One state, the so-called “framework nation”, provides the basic military equipment, including areas such as logistics and command facilities, and smaller states bring special skills such as air defense or pioneers. In this way, all European NATO states no longer have to provide all military capabilities, and yet a complete network is created. NATO had practiced something similar in the Afghanistan war (see also: ISAF: Participating Nations ), with which five (later six) "regional commands" could dock with smaller military contributions.

NATO has a total of three framework nations:

  1. A german,
  2. a British one, the Joint Expeditionary Force , with Great Britain as the lead nation plus eight Northern European states, and
  3. an Italian, which aims at stabilization and reconstruction operations.

The EU also has something similar, the “EU Framework Nation Concept” (without the “s” in “Nation”) for EU military operations.

German framework nations concept

The German concept arose when Thomas de Maizière was Federal Minister of Defense. It was presented to NATO in 2013 and accepted at the 2014 NATO summit in Wales. After the beginning of the Ukraine crisis in 2013–2014, the goal was expanded to include larger military units - for example in divisional strengths.

In June 2016 it was agreed to offer non-NATO states the opportunity to integrate.

Participants: Germany (framework nation), the Netherlands, Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, the Czech Republic, Romania, Finland (no NATO country), Austria (no NATO country), ...

British Framework Nations Concept

The British Joint Expeditionary Force is a rapid reaction force that was agreed at the NATO meeting on September 4, 2014. It should be ready for use in 2018.

Participants: Great Britain (framework nation), Sweden (no NATO country), Denmark, Finland (no NATO country), Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, the Netherlands and Norway.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. EU Framework Nation Concept , dated December 18, 2015, accessed September 2017.
  2. BMVg: Framework Nations Concept: Cooperation intensified from June 29, 2017.
  3. International partners sign Joint Expeditionary Force agreement , dated September 5, 2015, accessed September 2017.