Rainforest Trust

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The Rainforest Trust is a non-profit organization (NPO) environmental protection organization under American law, which was founded on December 8, 1988 in New York . The underlying idea is to buy land in tropical areas and protect it in order to preserve the endangered species that live there. The original name was World Parks Endowment . In 2006 they merged with World Land Trust , an English NPO environmental organization, and renamed themselves “World Land Trust-US” in order to optimize costs and invest more in individual projects. On September 16, 2013, as part of the 25th anniversary celebration, they changed the name to Rainforest Trust .

The organization supports the purchase of large areas of land by local NGOs in a way that is comparable to what “ The Nature Conservancy ” does. So far, areas in the order of 47,000 km 2 have been placed under protection.

Sample projects


In progress

  • Protecting the indigenous habitat in the Amazon region of Peru approx. 24,700 km 2 .
  • Protection of wild animals in Java approx. 40 km 2 .

Individual evidence

  1. October 2006 - World Parks Endowment becomes World Land Trust-US . World Land Trust-US. October 2006. Accessed December 21, 2018.
  2. Major Protection for Grauer's Gorillas in the Congo Rainforest
  3. Land Purchase Campaign to Save Ecuadorian Cloud Forest
  4. Sanctuary for the Scalloped Hammerheads of Golfo Dulce, Costa Rica
  5. ^ Saving Indigenous Lands in the Amazon
  6. Conserving Endangered Wildlife in Java

Web links