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The term Raken one understands

  • Racken , a family in the order of the Racken (Coraciiformes)

Raken is also a place name:

  • Raken (Haren) , a district of the town of Haren (Ems) , Emsland district, Lower Saxony
  • Raken (village), until 1938: Nobleman Rakowen (village), Johannisburg district, East Prussia, since 1945: Rakowo Piskie , village in the Powiat Piski, Warmian-Masurian Voivodeship, Poland
  • Raken (domain), nobleman Rakowen (domain), Johannisburg district, East Prussia, since 1945: Rakowo (Pisz) , village in the Powiat Piski, Warmian-Masurian Voivodeship, Poland