Ramon de la Quintana

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Fray Ramón de la Quintana (* 1774 near Santander ; † 19th century) was a Franciscan priest and educator.

In 1810, Father Ramón was appointed Guardian of the Franciscan College of Catamarca , founded in 1740 and later named after him , which at the time was the most important college for literature in Argentina next to Cordoba . He taught Latin and rhetoric here and was formative for numerous Argentinian personalities such as the politician and composer Amancio Alcorta , the Franciscan Father Mamerto Esquiú , who became known for the unity and constitution of Argentina (1853), the Bishops Luis Gabriel with his sermon Laetamur de Gloria Vestra Segura , Wenceslao Achával , Benedicto Rizo Patrón and Nicolás Aldaza and the governors José Cubas and Marco Avellaneda .
