Ramanujan-Soldner constant

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Function graph from left

The Ramanujan-Soldner constant is a mathematical constant that is defined as the only positive zero of the logarithm li. It is named after S. Ramanujan and Johann Georg von Soldner , but was examined by Lorenzo Mascheroni as early as 1792 .

The infinite decimal fraction begins with

(Follow A070769 in OEIS )

There are 75,500 decimal places known (as of August 2010).


  • Lorenzo Mascheroni : Adnotationes ad calculum integralem Euleri / In quibus nonnulla Problemata from Eulero proposita resolvuntur / Pars altera . Petrus Galeatius, Ticini 1792 (Latin; "z = 1.45137" on p. 17 )
  • Johann Georg Soldner : Théorie et tables d'une nouvelle fonction transcendante , Lindauer, Munich 1809 (French; "li. 1.4513692346 = 0" on p. 42 )

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Constants and Records of Computation by Xavier Gourdon and Pascal Sebah, August 12, 2010 (English)