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As Ramism is called the critical teachings of Petrus Ramus to Aristotelian - scholastic logic , dialectics and philosophy . A well-known representative of Ramism is, for example, Johannes Althusius .

Ramistic logic and dialectic

Starting with Plato , Cicero and Quintilian criticizes Ramism the Aristotelian logic and replacing it with one of the rhetoric ajar natural logic of common sense (see. Petrus Ramus' Aristotelicae Animadversiones , 1543).

Ramus regards finding the shortest paths as the task of logic in gaining knowledge (cf. lex parsimoniae , Ockham, 13th century). The important means here is not sterile mere syllogistics , but observation and experiment. That is why logicians must study nature. Ramus called logic "the art of inferring" and divided it into two areas:

  1. de inventione : the doctrine of the concept and of the definition and
  2. de iudicio : the doctrine of judgment, inference and method.

Accordingly, the Ramist dialectic also knows two areas:

  1. inventio argumentorum and
  2. dispositio argumentorum .

Conclusions and judgments ( iudicio ) are divided into:

  1. axiomaticum and
  2. dianoeticum (as a syllogism ).

Conclusions and evidence can be drawn from artificial or non- artificial sources. He attached great importance to research into rules of evidence. Therefore he devoted great attention in his logic to the elaboration of such proof procedures, which take into account the specifics of the content reflected in his theory. The idea he expressed about the important role of mathematics, which brings clarity in knowledge, had a great influence on Leibniz .

Critical about this: Jacopo Zabarella

Opposite position: Aristotelianism with representatives such as Johannes Casus , Jacobus Cheyneus , Daniel Cramer , Theophil Golius , Antonius Ruvius and Johannes Magirus .

See also


  • Arnd Friedrich: The learned schools in Marburg, Kassel and Korbach between Melanchthonianism and Ramism in the second half of the 16th century (Hessian Historical Commission Darmstadt). ISBN 3884431358
  • Riccardo Pozzo: Ramismus, Semiramismus , in: Historical Dictionary of Philosophy, VIII. Darmstadt 1992