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Ranula in humans
Ranula in humans
Classification according to ICD-10
K11.6 Mucocele of the salivary glands
Q38.4 Congenital malformations of the salivary glands and salivary ducts
ICD-10 online (WHO version 2019)

Ranula (lat. For little frog) - also frog tumor or floor cyst - is a retention cyst located below the tongue and filled with thickened saliva . The origin of the saliva retention cyst is usually the duct of the sublingual salivary gland ( glandula sublingualis major ).


The excretory duct of the sublingual gland is absent or closed. Congenital atresia , dysgenetic differentiation disorders, adhesions caused by inflammation, or stenosis caused by tumors are possible causes.

If the ranula increases in size, swallowing, speech and breathing difficulties may occur.


Typically, there is a visible and palpable, flexible, elastic swelling under the tongue on the floor of the mouth. The characteristics that a ranula has a thin wall and contains saliva serve to distinguish it from other masses. So it corresponds to a mucocele .

The expansion can be visualized using sonography or MRI .


As a rule, the marsupialization of enoral is sufficient. The epithelium of Wharton's duct is then sutured wide so that there is no stenosis . In exceptional cases, it may be necessary to ( extirpate ) the submandibular gland, including the sublingual salivary gland.

Ranula in animals

Ranula in a dog
Removal of the Gll. mandibularis and sublingualis major in dogs

In domestic dogs, an acquired ranula occurs due to obstruction of the ducts of the mandibular gland ( glandula mandibularis ) and / or sublingual salivary gland. Therapeutically, extirpation and / or marsupialization are performed. In animals, irradiation of the salivary gland can also be considered in surgically resistant cases .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ W. Pschyrembel, Clinical Dictionary, Verlag Walter de Gruyter, 265th edition (2014) ISBN 3-11-018534-2
  2. ^ Theresa Welch Fossum: Small Animal Surgery . Mosby, 2nd edition
  3. Simona Stankeova et al .: Radiation therapy for sialoceles in dogs - 7 cases (1997–1998). In: Kleintierpraxis Volume 44 (1999), pp. 491-499.

Web links

Commons : Ranula  - collection of images, videos and audio files