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Ranya (Iraq)
Coordinates 36 ° 15 ′  N , 44 ° 55 ′  E Coordinates: 36 ° 15 ′  N , 44 ° 55 ′  E
Country IraqIraq Iraq
Autonomous Region Kurdistan
Governorate as-Sulaimaniyya
Basic data
Residents 61,300

Ranya ( Arabic رانية, DMG Rāniya ; Kurdish ڕانیە Ranye ) is a city in the Iraqi governorate as-Sulaimaniya in the autonomous region of Kurdistan . Ranya is also the capital of the Ranya district. The city is 130 km northwest of Sulaimaniya and near Lake Dukan . The population is 61,300. Ranya has been the capital of a district since 1789.


The region around Ranya has many historical sites such as B. the hills Şimşêre, Basmosyan, Girdedême, Kameryan, Boskin and the fortress Ranya.

The residents of Ranyas are Kurds who were actively involved in several uprisings against the British and the Iraqi government, e.g. B. the uprising of Sheikh Mehmûd Berzincî and the uprising of 1991 participated.


The cities of Çwarqurne, Bêtwate and Hacî Awa belong to the district of Ranya.


The city of Ranya consists of the districts Qelat, Reşemêrg, Gilîincan, Sera, Rizgarî, Raperîn, Azadî 1, Azadî 2, Kêwereş, Qule and Fermanberan.


See also

Web links

Commons : Ranya  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files