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Rapefugees is a trunk word that combines the English-language terms rape and refugees , rape and refugees , to form rapist refugee . The word was introduced and established as a political catchphrase by German right-wing populist movements .

At the beginning of 2016, Lutz Bachmann wore a T-shirt with the label Rapefugees not welcome - Stay Away , which is similar to the Refugees Welcome - Bring your Families logo. The term or logos with the term Rapefugee are intended to refer to the sexual assaults on New Year's Eve 2015/16 , which were committed by groups of young men, mainly from the North African and Arab countries. The NPD used the term on their election posters. In 2016, the Leipzig Public Prosecutor's Office saw no initial suspicion of sedition by wearing such a T-shirt. In Traunstein, however, charges were brought. The local district court thereupon sentenced a pensioner on April 20, 2017 for sedition by using the term on Facebook and a sexist insult against Dunja Hayali to a fine of 110 daily rates.

The term also found its way into English-speaking countries.

Individual evidence

  1. Grüner reports Bachmann for sedition on welt.de.
  2. Germans clash over 'rapefugees' who Carried out mass sex attack New York Post
  3. Germany election: AfD tests Merkel in eastern region Image on BBC.com
  4. ^ The new national sport of sedition on FAZ.net
  5. "Rapefugees not welcome" on n-tv.de
  6. 2,200 euros fine for comments on Facebook , Legal Tribune Online of April 20, 2017, s. a. Judgment of AG Traunstein April 20, 2017, Az. 510 JS 54808/16
  7. Race-hate stickers appear on lamp posts and bus stops in coastal town saying 'Rapefugees not welcome' on DailyMail.co.uk