Lutz Bachmann

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Lutz Bachmann, 2015

Lutz Bachmann (born January 26, 1973 in Dresden ) is a German political activist . He is considered the initiator of the openly racist and Islamophobic organization Pegida and is chairman of Pegida e. V. He has been convicted of various crimes (including burglary , drug trafficking , bodily harm ), in some cases repeatedly, and since 2016 also for sedition .


Education and professional activity

Bachmann was born in Dresden in 1973 as the son of a butcher family from Coswig . Breitbart News reports that he is the son of two teachers. He is married to Vicky Bachmann, has a son and lived in Kesselsdorf near Dresden until May 2016 .

He attended the POS Leonhard Frank in Coswig and the children's and youth sports school (KJS) "Artur Becker" in Dresden. After graduating from high school , he trained as a chef and worked temporarily at his father's bratwurst stand . Later he worked in the Angels Table Dance Nachtbar Leipzig and in a mobile phone shop. In 1992 he founded the photo and advertising agency hotpepperpix , which runs on the side and is a "one-man business". With his wife he also runs the DD-Werbung company in Dresden-Briesnitz .

Residing and moving to Spain

In May 2016, Bachmann gave up his residence in Kesselsdorf near Dresden and moved to Tenerife . At the end of October, the Tenerife Island Council ( Cabildo de Tenerife ) passed a motion declaring Bachmann an undesirable person . The declaration was initiated by the Podemos party and received support from all political parties.

Criminal proceedings and prison sentences

Bachmann has committed crimes several times since the 1990s, including assault , burglary , theft and drug trafficking . According to newspaper reports, he carried out “order drops” for the Dresden red light district . In 1998 he was sentenced by the Dresden Regional Court to three years and eight months in prison for 16 burglaries and theft . Shortly after the conviction, he escaped by fleeing to South Africa the prison and lived there for two years under a false name. However, he was finally identified by the immigration authorities because of an invalid visa and deported to Germany . After 14 months in prison in Dresden , he was released early on parole .

In the late summer of 2009, 40 grams of cocaine and another 54 grams were found. In February 2010 he was sentenced to two years' imprisonment on probation by the Dresden Regional Court for illicit trafficking in narcotic drugs ( Section 29a, Paragraph 1, No. 2 BtMG ).

In May 2014, Bachmann was sentenced to a fine by the Dresden District Court for not paying any alimony for his son for nine months.

Award as a flood helper

In January 2014, Bachmann was one of 500 helpers who were awarded the Saxon Flood Aid Order by Dresden's Mayor Helma Orosz on behalf of the Saxon Prime Minister Stanislaw Tillich at a public event . During the flood of 2013, he and several Facebook groups organized the flood relief center in what was then the Glücksgas Stadium and collected relief supplies and donations.


Bachmann is considered the initiator, organizer and "face" of Pegida (Patriotic Europeans against the Islamization of the West) . He appeared as a speaker at the demonstrations. During the founding meeting of the Pegida Movement Association on November 14, 2014, he was elected chairman. His wife is also active in the association and appeared as a speaker at Pegida.

On January 21, 2015, Bachmann resigned from his position on the Pegida board after the Dresden public prosecutor began investigations into suspicion of sedition against him. This was preceded by media reports on Bachmann's racist postings on Facebook, in which in September 2014 he demeaned asylum seekers as “cattle”, “dirt pack” and “junk”, denied the existence of war refugees and also posted a photograph of a follower of the racist Ku Klux Klan (KKK) headed with the sentence: Three K's a day keeps the minorities away (“Three K's a day keeps the minorities away”) with “Would have worked in Grossenhain too ... so have now an asylum seeker hotel” commented. In addition, a photo appeared in which he poses as Adolf Hitler . Bachmann explained to the photo that he had made it for the publication of the audio book by He is back there and posted Christoph Maria Herbst on the pin board. You have to "poke fun at yourself". Herbst denied Bachmann's representation by his lawyer. Immediately after his postings became known, Bachmann deleted his Facebook profile.

At the end of February 2015 it was announced that Bachmann was once again acting as one of three board members at Pegida following a secret vote by the association.

Bachmann was also significantly involved in the nationally registered marches against the conversion of a former hotel into a refugee home and related calls for violence in Freital . During the demonstrations, which among other things went under the label “Frigida”, he described refugees as “soldiers of fortune” and residents showing solidarity with the refugees as “SAntifa-Einsatzstaffel”.

For the celebrations for the Day of German Unity 2016 , which took place in Dresden, Bachmann called for an unregistered demonstration in front of the Frauenkirche , called a "smoking break" , during which several hundred Pegida supporters mobbed and insulted the guests. As a result, the city of Dresden issued a decree prohibiting Bachmann and Däbritz from registering or conducting demonstrations for five years. Bachmann announced at the Pegida demonstration on November 7th to take legal action against it.

Conviction for sedition in 2016

At the beginning of October 2015, the public prosecutor's office brought charges against Bachmann on suspicion of sedition at the Dresden District Court . He was accused of having incited hatred against migrants through two posts published on Facebook in September 2014 by insulting them as "cattle", "jelly" and "dirt pack" (Ref .: 201 Ds 201 Js 3262/15) . Thus Bachmann have accepted the public peace disturbing. Bachmann attacked the human dignity of the refugees, insulted them and made them maliciously contemptuous and thereby incited hatred against them. According to the public prosecutor's office, private individuals had also filed charges for incitement to hatred because of further Facebook posts and because Bachmann referred to asylum seekers as criminals at a Pegida rally in September 2015 .

The main hearing before the Dresden District Court began on April 19, 2016. The Dresden Regional Court had previously admitted the indictment and opened the main proceedings there. He was finally found guilty of sedition by the Dresden District Court on May 3, 2016 and convicted.

Both Bachmann and the public prosecutor's office announced an appeal against the sentence, a fine of 120  daily rates of 80 euros each (9600 euros). Both sides said they would limit the appeal to the sentence. They thus recognized the guilty verdict of May 3, 2016, which is now final. The appeal was withdrawn by the defense and prosecution on November 30, 2016.

Further processes - declaration of cease and desist and penalty orders for sedition

On January 10, 2017, Bachmann had to answer before the Dresden Regional Court because the aid organization Mission Lifeline had sued for an omission due to damage to its reputation. In a defamatory Facebook entry from November 2016, Bachmann described the aid organization, which collected donations for the purchase of a ship that was supposed to take part in rescue missions in the Mediterranean, as one of these “criminally operating, private tugboat organizations” and as a “lawbreaker”. The process ended with a settlement in which Bachmann submitted the required declaration of discontinuance.

In mid-March 2018, Bachmann received a penalty order from the Dresden District Court for sedition and violation of the Assembly Act. Bachmann had published a hate speech by Akif Pirinçci on the Internet, for which Pirinçci was later convicted, and unannounced organized the "not entirely spontaneous demonstration" on the occasion of the celebrations for the Day of German Unity 2016 in Dresden .

Suspicion of a youth and failed entry to the UK

In March 2018, Bachmann came into conflict with the authorities again and again several times. First of all, the LKA Berlin started investigations against Bachmann for defamation , false suspicion and sedition because Bachmann had made untrue allegations regarding the Keira G. criminal case . Due to a coincidental name similarity on Facebook, Bachmann posted the photo of an innocent young man with a migration background and accused him of being the perpetrator ("Now it's out: The Beast of the Caucasus, Edgar H., Chechen Muslim and ex-refugee"). The real suspect - an ethnic German - was already in custody at this point. The Berlin police warned on the Internet of false suspicion in the Keira case, the falsely accused student removed his profile picture from Facebook for fear of being threatened. Bachmann defended himself by stating that he had only made an assumption and not made a factual assertion.

A few days later, Bachmann wanted to give a speech at Speakers' Corner in London , but was refused entry at London-Stansted Airport by the British authorities, taken into custody, finally taken to a deportation facility and flown back to Germany a little later. The British authorities justified the deportation notice with concerns about the public welfare and Bachmann's criminal record for drug trafficking. He then announced in a video message that the speech he wanted to give was that of the head of the Austrian Identitarian Movement , Martin Sellner . Sellner had also been refused entry a few days earlier. Bachmann then read the Sellner speech in Dresden at a Pegida Monday demonstration.

Statements and controversies

Bachmann mostly rejects interviews with established German press organs, such as the public service broadcaster or Spiegel , but gave the picture , for which he also worked as a reader reporter , the new right print media Junge Freiheit , Sezession and Blaue Narzisse as well as the British Financial Times and Reuters partly detailed interviews.

Bachmann's positions and worldview were classified by several commentators as xenophobic and right-wing populist .

Bachmann said of himself in an interview with Junge Freiheit that he was “the classic CDU voter”, but, according to media reports, marked two regional NPD associations on Facebook with “ I like it ”. Bachmann told the Financial Times that he wanted to prevent right-wing extremist parties from gaining strength, as in the Netherlands and France, because of what he believed to be a misguided German asylum policy. He advocated an immigration policy like the one practiced in Canada or Switzerland , in which qualified immigrants would be given preference.

At the demonstrations, Bachmann spoke of "criminal asylum seekers" and of poor pensioners who were sitting in unheated apartments and could no longer afford "a piece of tunnel ", while "asylum seekers lived in luxuriously furnished accommodations". The New York Times reported that Bachmann had told a reporter that he was not against war refugees, Islam or foreigners. What he rejects are " economic refugees" who take advantage of the German social system. The German politicians are responsible for a completely wrong system.

About his deportation by the South African authorities, he said that it happened "admirably quickly". If his past throws a bad light on Pegida, he likes to step back from the limelight. He is not bothered by the contradiction between his demands and his own biography, his deeds go back a long way.

In January 2015, the satirical magazine Titanic published a "guest commentary" on behalf of Bachmann, in which speculations about a possible connection between the violent death of the Eritrean refugee Khaled Bahray in Dresden and the Pegida demonstrations were described as agitation. The satirical comment to the “dear fellow Germans” ended with the words “ Heil Hitler and have a nice day”. Bachmann described the contribution as "character assassination". In parts of the reporting, this was contrasted with his solidarity with the French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo after the Islamist- motivated attack on its editorial team on January 7, 2015 .

At the beginning of 2016, Bachmann showed himself with a T-shirt with the label Rapefugees not welcome - Stay Away and planned to sell it on the sidelines of a Legida demonstration . As a result, a controversy arose as to whether this label was a blanket denigration of refugees as rapists or whether it only refers to those refugees who raped. Jürgen Kasek , chairman of the Saxon state association of the Greens , filed a complaint for sedition. The Leipzig public prosecutor did not see the initial suspicion fulfilled.

At the beginning of March 2017, Bachmann hit the headlines again when he described the journalist Deniz Yücel, who was imprisoned in Turkey, as a "smear," whose execution is a welcome legal remedy.

After a speech at a Pegida meeting in Dresden in October 2019, the state security of the Dresden criminal police started investigations against Bachmann. The allegation of sedition and incitement to commit a criminal offense is examined. Bachmann had described representatives of the left, the Greens and the trade unions as "parasites" and "enemies of the people" that had to be thrown into a ditch and filled up. Trees should then be planted on this filled-in ditch. For the political scientist Hajo Funke , this is “pure hatred of the people”. It is "a sadistic and misanthropic drum roll that can hardly be increased" and "the mobilization of the mob in the sense of Hannah Arendt - a characteristic of fascist movements".

For insulting a journalist in August 2019, Bachmann was sentenced on February 3, 2020 by the Dresden District Court to 60 daily rates.

Because Bachmann had published an arrest warrant, he was sentenced by the Dippoldiswalde District Court to a fine of 100 daily rates of € 30 each, lodged an appeal, but withdrew it in August 2020, making the judgment legally binding.

Web links

Commons : Lutz Bachmann  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f g h Lars Geiges , Stine Marg , Franz Walter : Pegida. The dirty side of civil society? Transcript-Verlag, Bielefeld 2015, ISBN 978-3-8376-3192-0 , p. 14.
  2. Alexander Schneider, Ulrich Wolf, Tobias Wolf, Heinrich Maria Löbbers: The crooked life of the Pegida boss . In: Saxon newspaper . December 2, 2014 ( [accessed August 8, 2020]).
  3. ^ Raheem Kassam: Exclusive - PEGIDA Founder Lutz Bachmann Gives Rare Interview To Breitbart London's Raheem Kassam. In: . April 5, 2016, accessed February 5, 2020 .
  4. Sven Eichstädt: Bachmann makes fun of criminal proceedings. In: The world . April 17, 2016. Retrieved April 19, 2016 .
  5. ^ A b Alexander Schneider, Ulrich Wolf, Tobias Wolf, Heinrich Maria Löbbers: Pegida personally . In: Sächsische Zeitung , December 2, 2014, p. 3.
  6. ^ "Have Muslim friends" - Spokesman Bachmann: That is the man behind "Pegida". In: Focus Online . December 9, 2014, accessed May 3, 2020 .
  7. Martin Machowecz: Breasts, Beer and Islamism. In: The time. April 23, 2015, accessed April 26, 2015 .
  8. Ulrich Wolf: Lutz Bachmann takes off. In: sä . September 20, 2016, accessed November 27, 2018 .
  9. Tenerife considera persona 'non grata' a Lutz Bachmann. In: October 28, 2016, Retrieved April 5, 2019 (Spanish).
  10. Jörg Schurig: The self-appointed savior of the west . In: Rhein-Zeitung , December 3, 2014, p. 4.
  11. Benjamin Knaack: Pegida Protests: Resistance to Xenophobia Demos in Dresden. In: Spiegel Online . December 5, 2014, accessed January 22, 2015 .
  12. ^ Steffi Dobmeier, Lenz Jacobsen: Dresden: The most important theses of Pegida. In: . December 9, 2014, accessed January 22, 2015 .
  13. Pegida: What's behind the new Monday demos? In: Spiegel Online . December 9, 2014, accessed January 22, 2015 .
  14. Wolfgang Bager: Every Monday . In: Südkurier , December 13, 2014, p. 13.
  15. Zündler . In: Wiener Zeitung , No. 243, December 13, 2014, p. 3.
  16. Dennis Stute: Who is behind Pegida? In: December 8, 2014, accessed January 22, 2015 .
  17. Stefan Locke: The new anger from the east. In: . December 7, 2014, accessed January 22, 2015 .
  18. ^ Günther Lachmann: The AfD and the problem with the "Pegida" , Welt N24, December 8, 2014
  19. Martin Niewendick: "Pegida" founder Lutz Bachmann. Cook with simple recipes , Der Tagesspiegel, December 9, 2014
  20. Katharina Rögner: Start of the trial against Pegida boss Lutz Bachmann , Migazin, April 18, 2016
  21. Issio Ehrich: Lutz Bachmann - the self-righteous. In: n-tv . December 23, 2015, accessed June 18, 2016 .
  22. Hayke Lanwert: Pegida founder Bachmann - criminal record and deported. In: December 16, 2014, accessed January 22, 2015 .
  23. ^ A b Jan Bielicki: Lutz Bachmann - previously convicted "Pegida" word guide. In: . December 10, 2014, accessed January 22, 2015 .
  24. Martin Niewendick: Cook with simple recipes. In: . December 9, 2014, accessed January 22, 2015 .
  25. Pegida boss Lutz Bachmann has been sentenced. In: March 13, 2015, archived from the original on April 2, 2015 ; accessed on October 30, 2019 .
  26. January 17th: Award of the Saxon Order of Fluthermen 2013. ( Memento from December 17th, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) In: from February 11th, 2014.
  27. Christian Fischer: Not even a year ago! Here mayor Orosz distinguishes the PEGIDA boss. In: December 9, 2014, accessed January 22, 2015 .
  28. ^ Harald Lachmann: Dresden: Biedere Brandstifter. In: Südwestpresse , January 21, 2015, accessed February 4, 2015 .
  29. a b Beat Metzler: From the Panzerknacker to the Wutbürger. In: December 15, 2014, accessed January 22, 2015 .
  30. ^ Andreas Speit: Organizational structure of Pegida: Don't just march. In: . January 12, 2015, accessed January 22, 2015 .
  31. ^ Harald Lachmann: Dresden and the Pegida protest: concern for the cosmopolitan city. In: December 8, 2014, accessed April 26, 2016 .
  32. Pegida boss Bachmann resigns. In: . January 21, 2015, accessed January 22, 2015 .
  33. a b The 2nd face of Lutz Bachmann ( Memento from February 16, 2016 in the Internet Archive ),, January 20, 2015.
  34. The background to the Lutz Bachmann case , Tagesspiegel, January 21, 2015.
  35. xenophobic agitation on Facebook: Pegida boss Bachmann resigns. In: Spiegel Online . January 21, 2015, accessed January 22, 2015 .
  36. Pegida boss: Bachmann resigns. In: January 21, 2015, accessed January 22, 2015 .
  37. Distance, dialogue, demo - and a selfie. ( Memento from January 22, 2015 in the Internet Archive ),, January 21, 2015. Accessed January 21, 2015.
  38. Alleged agitation comments: Pegida founder Bachmann defends Hitler photo on Facebook as fun. In: Focus Online . January 20, 2015, accessed January 22, 2015 .
  39. Bachmann resigns from his resignation , sä, February 23, 2015
  40. Lutz Bachmann drives Pegida further to the right , Die Welt, February 9, 2015
  41. ^ Matthias Meisner: ... and the CDU. Something is wrong in Saxony. In: . June 29, 2015, accessed July 1, 2015 .
  42. Matthias Meisner: "Comparisons with Hoyerswerda are appropriate". In: . June 23, 2015, accessed July 3, 2015 .
  43. ^ Freital: Again protests against the refugee home. In: . June 24, 2015, accessed July 3, 2015 .
  44. Michael Bartsch: Day of German Unity in Dresden: running the gauntlet past Pegida . from October 3, 2016, accessed on November 9, 2016.
  45. Michael Bartsch: Dresden forbids Bachmann demo registrations. In: taz of November 9, 2016, p. 6; Dresden Demo Monday Bachmann and Däbritz are no longer allowed to lead Pegida demos , , November 7, 2016
  46. Pegida boss: Lutz Bachmann is no longer allowed. In: . November 8, 2016, accessed March 19, 2018 .
  47. Accusation of incitement to hatred: charges brought against Lutz Bachmann ( memento from December 27, 2015 in the Internet Archive ) In:, October 2, 2015.
  48. ^ Lutz Bachmann: Pegida founder accused of sedition In:, October 2, 2015.
  49. Lutz Bachmann has to pay for sedition. In: Handelsblatt (online), May 3, 2016, accessed on May 3, 2016.
  50. Trial of insulting statements from Pegida boss: Bachmann accepts conviction for sedition. In: November 10, 2016, archived from the original on November 14, 2016 ; accessed on March 20, 2018 .
  51. Pegida boss convicted of sedition. In: November 30, 2016, accessed March 23, 2018 .
  52. ^ Sächsische Zeitung : New trial against Pegida boss Bachmann. P. 6. January 3, 2017.
  53. Lutz Bachmann is defeated in court. Time online.
  54. ^ New penal order against Bachmann. FAZ , March 20, 2018, accessed on March 22, 2018 .
  55. ^ New penal order against Lutz Bachmann. Rheinische Post , March 20, 2018, accessed on March 22, 2018 .
  56. a b Christoph Stollowsky: Keira murder in Berlin-Hohenschönhausen - police are investigating Lutz Bachmann. In: March 13, 2018, accessed September 12, 2018 .
  57. Tweet against hate speech - How the police act against hate speech. In: . March 17, 2018, accessed April 16, 2018 .
  58. Police are investigating Pegida founder Lutz Bachmann. In: March 13, 2018, accessed April 22, 2018 .
  59. Pegida boss lands in British deportation facility , on, accessed on March 18, 2018.
  60. ^ Maya Oppenheim: Lutz Bachmann: Founder of far-right anti-Islam group Pegida barred from entry to UK and deported. In: March 18, 2018, accessed November 29, 2018 .
  61. sz-online: Great Britain rejects Lutz Bachmann at the border . In: SZ-Online . ( [accessed April 15, 2018]).
  62. Founder of Pegida convicted of sedition., March 20, 2018
  63. ^ André Poggenburg as a guest speaker at Pegida.
  64. a b Miro Jennerjahn : Saxony as the place of origin of the ethnic-racist movement PEGIDA. In: Stephan Braun , Alexander Geisler, Martin Gerster (eds.): Strategies of the extreme right: Backgrounds - Analyzes - Answers. 2nd updated and expanded edition, Springer Fachmedien, Wiesbaden 2015, ISBN 978-3-658-01983-9 , pp. 533–558, here: p. 538.
  65. German party leader struggles to shed extremist image. In: January 16, 2015, accessed November 7, 2015 .
  66. ^ PEGIDA's anti-Muslim calls shake up German politics. In: January 14, 2015, accessed November 7, 2015 .
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  68. ^ Demos against Islamists - Right-wing Wutbürger , Süddeutsche Zeitung. December 3, 2014. Accessed January 21, 2015. 
  69. Pegida: The new abbreviation for "Foreigners out" , Der Spiegel. December 12, 2014. Accessed January 21, 2015. 
  70. Uli Hauser: The heads behind Pegida: Angry citizens who don't want to talk. In: . December 15, 2014, accessed January 22, 2015 .
  71. published on December 3, 2014 (by Oliver Hach): The wild life of the Pegida chief. In: November 18, 2014, accessed January 22, 2015 .
  72. ^ Dresden protest reveals rising anger in Germany over immigration. In: , December 9, 2014.
  73. Werner Mathes: Beat 12 - the midday commentary from Berlin: The convicted person and his 'Pegida' angry citizens. In: . December 9, 2014, accessed January 22, 2015 .
  74. ^ Alison Smale : In German City Rich With History and Tragedy, Tide Rises Against Immigration . In: New York Times , December 7, 2014. (English)
  75. The convicted head of "PEGIDA" . ( Memento from December 15, 2014 in the Internet Archive ), December 15, 2014, accessed on December 15, 2014.
  76. Pegida organizer against “Titanic”: Bachmann complains about the humor press. In: Spiegel Online. January 16, 2015, accessed January 22, 2015 .
  77. "RAPEFUGEES" T-SHIRT: Green shows Lutz Bachmann for sedition at In: of 10 January 2016th
  78. Markus Wehner: "The new national sport of sedition" FAZ from February 9, 2016
  79. To Turkey again for the death penalty. In: sä March 1, 2017, accessed November 27, 2018 .
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  81. Patrick Gensing: Höcke and the "peaceful citizen protest"., October 23, 2019
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