Rath of Relignaree

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Location of the council of Relignaree

The Rath of Relignaree (also Rellig Na Ree - German  "Tomb of the Kings" or Tulks Fort) is 1.6 km south of Rathcroghan in Glenballythomas in County Roscommon in Ireland .

Relignaree is a rath with an inner diameter of 100 m from wall to wall. Many stones were used in the construction of the wall. Most of the rath is no longer surrounded by an external ditch, with the exception of a section in the northwest. It is about 6.0 m wide and 50 cm deep there. The rest is leveled by agricultural use. There are some field boundaries in the enclosure that may be the result of livestock farming.

The near a stile located basement of dry stone was excavated in the 19th century. Many animal bones were found inside. It partially collapsed and filled with earth. It is accessible over a length of about 3.6 meters and covered by large slabs , two of which have Ogham inscriptions.

Nearby is the converted Oweynagat Grotto, also known as the Cave of the Cat: a deep limestone crevice converted into a basement where visitors can descend.The basement ends in a large natural cave that, according to myth, connects with the caves of Kesh im County Sligo has.

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Coordinates: 53 ° 46 '44.6 "  N , 8 ° 15' 8.7"  W.