Merkinė City Hall

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Reconstruction of the town hall

The Merkinė Town Hall (lit. Merkinės rotušė ) was a town hall in Merkinė , in southern Lithuania ( Dzūkija ). Two pictures are known from the 19th century. The town hall was built in Renaissance style.


In 1595 the town hall was mentioned in a document. In 1885 the town hall was destroyed and a Russian church was built. Today's Merkinė Regional History and Genocide Museum ( Merkinės kraštotyros ir genocido muziejus ) was built on this site.


In 1556 Merkinė received Magdeburg law . In 1569 Žygimantas Augustas certified these rights. The town hall was built in the town square. From 1773 to 1775 the state authorities from Merkinė moved to Alytus . Merkinė had self-government until 1776. In 1791 the self-government of Merkinė was restored for a short time. This worked until 1796.

In the inventory from 1798 it is mentioned that the old town hall with 2 floors is empty.


  1. IŠ PRAEITIES TAVO SŪNŪS… (Onutė Drobelienė, November 17, 2008)
  2. Merkinės kraštotyros ir genocido muziejus (buvusios rotušės liekanos)
  3. Merkinė