Raymond Naves

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Raymond Naves (born March 2, 1902 in Paris , † 1944 in Auschwitz ) was a French Romance scholar, literary scholar and resident .

life and work

Naves was a student of the École Normale Supérieure and Gustave Lanson . In 1923 he became Agrégé de Lettres and taught in Montpellier, Béziers, Marseille, finally in the Lycée "Louis le Grand" in Paris, from 1934 also in the École Polytechnique. He completed his habilitation in 1937 with the two theses Le Goût de Voltaire (Paris 1938, Geneva 1967) and Voltaire et l'Encyclopédie (Paris 1938, Geneva 1970) and became a professor in Toulouse . He was scheduled to serve as mayor of Toulouse after the liberation, but was arrested and tortured by the Gestapo on February 23, 1944, taken to Auschwitz on May 15, and died there in winter of exhaustion in front of his friend Sylvain Dauriac ( 1894-1969). In Toulouse, a high school and a street bear his name.

Other works

  • (Ed. Together with Gustave Lanson) Extraits de Voltaire, Paris 1930
  • (Ed. Together with Gustave Lanson) Extraits des philosophes du XVIIIe siècle, Paris 1933, Paris 1950
  • (Ed.) Voltaire, Lettres philosophiques ou Lettres anglaises. Avec le texte complet des remarques sur les “Pensées” de Pascal, Paris 1939, last in 1988
  • (Ed.) Voltaire, Dialogues et anecdotes philosophiques, avec introduction, notes et rapprochements, Paris 1939, 1966
  • De Candide à Saint-Preux. Essai littéraire et moral, Paris 1940
  • (Ed.) Machiavel, Le Prince. Traduction de Guiraudet, revue et corrigée. Suivi de L'Anti-Machiavel de Frédéric II. Introduction et notes par Raymond Naves, Paris 1941, Paris 1970, Paris 1978 (with a new introduction)
  • Voltaire. L'homme et l'œuvre, Paris 1942, Paris 1955, 8th edition 1972
  • (Ed.) Marivaux. Le Jeu de l'amour et du hasard, Paris / Clermont 1942
  • L'Aventure de Prométhée. [1.] La Patience, Toulouse / Paris 1943 [literary history of France as a history of critical thinking from the 16th to the 18th century. The manuscripts of volumes 2 and 3 were destroyed by the Gestapo.]
  • Vivaces, 1943 [collection of poems]
  • L'abbé Batteux et la catharsis, 1946
  • (Ed.) Abbé Prévost. Manon Lescaut. Présentation et étude documentaire, Paris 1949
  • (Ed.) Aux âmes pensantes. Lettres choisies de Voltaire, avec une présentation, des notes et un index, Paris 1955
  • (Ed. Together with Olivier Ferret) Voltaire, Dictionnaire philosophique, Paris 2008


  • Pierre Bertaux, Liberation de Toulouse et de sa région, Paris 1973
  • Jean Estèbe, Toulouse 1940–1944, Paris 1996

Web links