Arithmetic book of Filippo Calandri
The arithmetic book of Filippo Calandri (original title: Trattato di aritmetica ) is an arithmetic book for merchants, which was printed in 1491. A richly illustrated codex of this arithmetic book, handwritten on parchment , is now kept in the Biblioteca Riccardiana in Florence .
The work
The trattato was commissioned for Lorenzo il Magnifico , who wanted his son Giovanni to be trained in commerce and especially in banking, which the Medici operated in Florence and far beyond its walls. Giovanni later became Pope Leo X.
The manuscript of the Biblioteca Riccardiana ( Ricc. 2669 ) consists of 122 sheets; his numerous miniatures and jewelry come from the workshop of Giovanni Boccardo, known as Boccardino Vècchio (1460–1529), an Italian illuminator who later also worked for Pope Leo X.
The manuscript does not name an author. Your attribution was based on the incunabulum , which was printed in Florence by Lorenzo Morgiani and Johannes Petri and is dated January 1, 1491-92. The print includes a reference to the manuscript and is dedicated to Giovanni de Medici.
- Filippo Calandri: Aritmetica . Secondo la lezione del codice 2669 (secolo XV) from the Biblioteca Riccardiana di Firenze. A cura e con introduzione di Gino Arrighi. Cassa di Risparmio, Florence 1969, 2 vols.
- Philippi Calandri ad nobilem et studio [sum] Julianum Laurentii Medice [m] de aritmethica opusculu [m] . Lorenzo de Morgiani & Giovanni Thedesco da Maganza, Florence 1491-92; Reprinted by Bernardo Zucchetta, Florence 1518
- Elisabetta Ulivi: School e maestri d'abaco in Italia tra Medioevo e Rinascimento . IRIS Università degli Studi di Firenze, University of Florence 2002. ( Online at: Il giardino di Archimede: Un museo per la matematica ; accessed on January 4, 2017)
Web links
- Filippo Calandri's arithmetic book in the complete catalog of the cradle prints (GW number GW05884)
- Facsimile of two pages of the Codex on the server of the Biblioteca Riccardiana
- Biblioteca Riccardiana, Florence: Trattato di aritmetica , digitized pages of the Codex , image quality is currently not optimal (rebuilding of the database) (November 11, 2013)